The Proposition

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I walked through the shadows of the park the next night, the trees silhouetted against the moon. I had my hood up and my hands were hidden within my cloak. I growled quietly with every step. I hate walking. It was tiring and irritatingly slow. But I didnt dare to levitate, should Slade be watching me. I have no intention of showing him even part of what I can do. Yet. I saw the tree I had fallen asleep under the night before, and looked around. No one was there.

With a glance at the moon, I saw it was midnight. Right on time, I thought as I continued to scan the park for any sign of the masked man. I let my hands charge with power as I waited, in case he tried to attack me again. After a few minutes, I got impatient, and closed my eyes. I focused my mind, and sensed that there was somebody near. Very near.

My eyes flew open and I dove forward, tucking my legs in as I rolled away. When I rolled into a crouch, I saw the familiar armor and mask. As well as Slades hand slash through the air. Right where my neck had been.

I spread my arms out and wrapped my power around his body, before slamming him against the tree truck. I rose, keeping him pinned, and walked up to his still form. I growled at him "Never. Make me angry. Got it Slade?" I heard an irritatingly calm voice reply "Sure thing kid".

"Now then. What do you want with me?"

"Simple my dear. I know you arent human. And considering I cant lift a finger right now, you must be incredibly strong."

"Heh. Observant. You seem to think very highly of yourself. But you still havent answered my question"

"You're right. Simple really. See, I run a type of.. business here in town. And its going to be starting up, very soon. And recently ive been looking for a young person to train. Be my apprentice I suppose. And you, err.."

"Raven" I stated in a curious tone

"Raven. have been chosen." he said in an inviting tone. I turned around and thought for a minute.

"If you really want me, then come ask me yourself" I said as I crushed the man pinned to the tree. I heard the squeal of mechanics being crushed, and knew I had been right. It was just a robot.

I heard something behind me and jumped into the air, a foot swiped where I had stood only an instant before. Slade jumped after me and threw a punch, aimed at my stomach. I grabbed his hand with my powers and twisted it violently, sending him hurtling towards the ground. I landed gracefully a few feet away and watched the groaning man.

He had hit the ground flat on his back, and was wheezing as he tried to catch his breath. I didnt notice when he suddenly swiped my feet and tackled me to the ground. Faster than I could react. He was toying with me before, but now, he was serious.

He held me pinned to the ground, his hand wrapped around my throat again as he strangled the air from my lungs. I heard his smooth voice in my ear. "Impressive. Not many can sat that they knocked me down within 5 minutes of fighting." His grip tightened and I gasped for air. "But it needs improvement. Take my offer and I can teach you to fight. I can give you strength." his grip loosened enough for me to breathe regularly. "I can give you power. Purpose. Control"

I considered it for a few minutes, before smirking at the man in the mask.

"Well Slade. Looks like youve got an apprentice"

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