The Strong Will Prevail

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No one has found out about my betrayal yet. Only that the Titans have been missing, and the fact the the citizens of Jump City are slaves to Slade.

A white blur ran around me, but I stayed in my hunched position, my arms hanging limp. My men were about to attack, but a simple signal through their minds told them not to.

Bumblebee tackled me and pinned my to the ground, though I didnt resist. She pinned my arms with her knees and grabbed my mask. With a quick jerk, she tore it free and stared down at the face beneath.

One thing that always helped me to go under cover was that I can change the color of my eyes. Im known for my signature violet, but in this case it wouldnt work. I recalled instantly that people who were being controlled took on the eye color of their master. In the second I had before she saw my face, I changed my eye color to Slade's natural ice blue.

"Raven?" She whispered in shock. I stared back at her, keeping my face blank.

"Who are you?" I asked.

Just then, the doors opened to reveal none other than the Titans. Great.

"Bee! Get away from her!" Cyborg yells. Bumblebee's head turns to look at the new arrivals. She looks back at me.

"Too slow" I say in a mischievous voice, just before she is enveloped in my power. She was thrown immediately into the others of Titans East, who were each unconsciously sent into the arms of my men.

I stood, reached down and grabbed my mask, and attatched it back to my head. Slowly, I reached behind me and grabbed my beloved sword. With a jerk, the blade came loose and came free. It shined in the dim light of the base.

"Let's play, Titans" I sneered.

"Titans Go!" Robin yelled. But something about his voice was different. It sounded hurt.

They all charged towards me, but something was wrong. Their attack pattern was different. Starfire immediately started throwing punches at me, and when I dodged she shot me with her eye beams. As I was falling backwards, a blue blast came and hit me in the side, tearing away my cloak. I hit the ground and slid along the ground.

Before I could fully stop, a pterodactyl grabbed my ankle and lifted me into the air. The blood rushed to my head, preventing me from concentrating. I kicked out at Beast Boy, causing him to drop me. I hit the ground head first, putting a dent in my mask, and groaned. By now, the Titans surrounded me. I glanced to my men, but they lay on the ground, Titans East standing over them.

They beat me. This couldn't be possible.

"S...... Slade!" I cried desperately, putting the remainder of my strength in my voice. The Titans all prepared to strike, but before they could cause anymore harm, men burst through the doors. Men filled the room to fight off the Titans. I saw Robin charge, just before everything went black.


When I woke up, I immediately saw the forcefield of the Titans prison cells.


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