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A/N: HEY BROS. I know. I know. Im sorry I havent been updating. I really dont know where im going with this story so bear with me.

After I defeated the Titans, my master had me take control of the city. It was pretty easy really. Even with the Titans, no one could to stop me.

My powers created a large dome over the city, trapping all citizens inside. Slade wanted them as slaves to his cause. He dreamed of an empire. And it was my job to make that dream obtainable.

My powers enveloped every skyscraper and pulled them apart. Choosing the park as a location, Slade had me construct the ultimate base for us. The people of jump were sent to different sectors of the city.

Those who were willing to serve Slade were sent to a specialized section of the base. They were to be trained as a personal army. The men and women in this sector were tested in leadership, strength/agility, and combat practice. Those who excelled in their scores were made commanders under Slade.

Those who opposed him, however, were not treated as well. They were sent to sectors where they would have to scavenge raw material.

Children were sent to a boot camp like sector. They would be trained to serve Slade.

I was in my house, aka the floor second from the top of the base. The entire floor was specialized for my wants and needs. It was closed off, except for a meditation room that had a window that stretched across the room. I was in my bedroom, listening to my music while I pondered all that happened.

It had been about 4 weeks since the Titans had been sucked into the darkness. Slade had scouts posted across the entire city. Now that I was gone from the team, they had no means to teleport anywhere.

Within a week, we had an army skilled enough that, with Slade and my help, could challenge the Justice League of America. There were 5 divisions of 40  soldiers. 2 divisions were Slade's combat ready troops and the other 3 were in charge of guarding the city.

I, on the other hand, had my own personal handpicked squad. With 11, highly trained  men under my command, I was in charge of taking the cities.

We were planning on moving in on Gotham city, but Slade hesitated. He wanted to ensure that the Justice league wouldnt interfere.. yet. He wanted a firm hold on the city before we took on the league.

I jumped when the alarm in my room sounded. Slade was summoning me. With a sigh, I stood and slid on my armor. I pressed the small button on my wrist to alert my squad to report for orders. I automatically hooked my sword to my armor and made a small portal beneath me. I sunk into it while I slid my hood on.

When I appeared before Slade, I knelt and bowed my head. "You summoned me, Master?" I asked in a quiet voice.

"Yes. You've done well Raven." he said in a proud voice.

"Thank you Master" I said full of pride from his praise. A small box came sliding into view as Slade pushed it towards me.

"You'll need this when you are conquering in my name, Apprentice".

Inside the box was Slades mask, only slightly different. It was wider than his, with 2 eye holes. But instead of orange on one side, it was a deep violet color. The mask itself was more of a helmet in a way. I fully covered my head, and even had armor that expanded all the way to my collarbone, where my uniform would cover the edges.

"Thank you Master" I said in awe as I slid the mask over my head and tightened it. It molded to my face just right. I slowly stood and looked to my mentor. 

"You will be leaving to infiltrate Gotham tomorrow. Make sure your troops are ready. That is all." he said.

I melted back into the ground and teleported to the training room. Appearing before them startled the men, who scrambled to stand at attention.

"Well boys. Looks like we've got a job to do" I said in a new authoritative voice.

Just then, the wall exploded inwards. There stood Titans East, glaring at me.

"YOU! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH OUR FRIENDS?" shouted Bumblebee. The looks in their eyes told me that they didnt know who I am. Perfect. Time to play my little game.

"Friends? I have no friends" I said in a empty tone. Ive seen how people act when they are being controlled. They have too. I reached up and slid my hood off, revealing the mask. "We have only our Master".

By the looks on their faces, thay believed my charade.

The Dark Apprentice: a teen titans fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now