Inside Elsa's head she could here herself saying oh I really like this guys he's the one for me and he says he has powers as well! Then Elsa asked about his powers but he replied that he was born with it and Elsa's face brightened up and so did I with a gleam on her face and then she asked what type of powers Jack had and he announced that he had cold ice powers and Elsa had a fit she screamed and yelled so do I for at least 2 minutes. Jack said that's so cool we have the same powers and we are probably the only ones in the world with this power. Then Elsa said yeah but not all parts of having powers is fun some of it seemed impossible to me but, maybe that's just me because I was locked inside a room I never new what fresh air was. Until I was free!
Jack was just about to start talking but, Elsa, who had a bright smile on her lightened face, was dancing around Jack firing her admiring snow works it was an amazing display.
After that Elsa came to a halt she was panting loudly. Have fun? Jack asked with a cute grin on his face Elsa replied in awe yeah definitely then the calm atmosphere changed Elsa heard a familiar voice calling for his weapons. Then Elsa realised who it was it was Hans the one that betrayed Anna and why on earth was he back in Erendale?!