Chapter 13- 'Regal'

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Hey Georgia
Sorry I can't make it, I've just realised that I have double-booked myself with you and Jeff. Maybe we can catch up sometime later? Sry again for the inconvenience :-( xx

I felt my glasses begin to steam up, my eyes begin to water and my body drip with sweat, despite the air con in the corner. I absolutely had to do something.
"JEFF!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "YOU BETTER BE WATCHING YOUR BACK!!"

Hey, but at least she put 2 kisses on the end.....


Maisie's POV

I brushed my short, ombré hair for the hundredth time in the mirror, while attaching a satin, gold rose behind my ear. I looked a mess, my eye-liner droopy and my rouge lipstick a little smudged. My rose-gold gown cascaded past my long legs and lightly brushed the floor when I walked. I felt like a real princess, and that's exactly how Jeff treated me.
Today he was taking me to a posh, fancy restaurant called 'Regal'. I've heard so much about it and it's supposed to do the best salted Oreo and Caramel Sundaes! It may sound absurd, but it's bloody delicious, and so hard to find nowadays in normal ice-cream parlours.
"Jeff is so sweet taking me out!" I thought, quickly placing some fake eyelashes over my short, messy ones.
"I just hope he thinks I look ok!" I murmured, slipping on my embroidered heels.
Checking the time , I walked downstairs and out into the chilly, spring weather.

I met Jeff outside my house. He ran a hand through his gelled mousy hair and adjusted his suit and tie. He had made such an effort for me, I wonder why? Usually, he just shows up in a hoodie and some jeans. Was there going to be a special occasion? Advancing closer to me, Jeff began to say,
"Wow, Maisie, you look amazing!"
I felt my pale skin blush as I took his hand. He was so charming.

The journey to the venue seemed very long and surprisingly awkward. We sat in silence, barley even looking at one other. Twiddling my thumbs which were full of boredom, I was beginning to be thankful for some time to think over all of my problems.

First of all, Jeff.

I felt like our connection was starting to fade, our love wasn't as strong and desirable as before. We hardly even see each other around school anymore. Nowadays, he spends way too much time with his rugby team and his other extra-curricular activities. It's almost like he's doing everything in his power to avoid me. I stole a quick glance in his direction. As usual, he was tapping furiously on his phone, probably zoned out of the world. I felt anger burn up inside me, we are meant to be going out on a date, and he's not even talking to me? I probably would have had way more fun with Georgia. I think it's time to reconsider Jeff.......
However, nobody I've ever dated has made feel the way Jeff does. And slowly, all my anger disappears to guilt.

It happened every time.

He was taking me out, the least I could do was be grateful. I had to try and make this relationship work. At least, for now.....

For the rest of the journey, I attempted to make small talk to Jeff. He immediately put his phone away and intently listened like an excited child about how my day was. It's amazing how much time has passed since we talked to each other.

The 'Regal'  6:45 pm

The place was so classy and looked like a princess's palace. Chandeliers dangled like spider's webs around the room and in the middle, was a gorgeous ice fountain which was shaped into a love-heart. My mouth, however, only began to gape when I turned my head and saw the waiters laying a small lovers table with a red checkered cloth.
Jeff turned to me and put an arm around my shaky shoulder.
"So, do you like it?" he asked hopefully.
"Yes, it's amazing! Thanks so much!" I robotically said, trying to make it sound more lovingly, however, I failed, making me sound like a patronising mouse. What was wrong with me today? My mind was so absent, it was filled only with thoughts of one person- it couldn't be, right?

"Sooo, what do want from the menu?" Jeff asked, trying to break the awkward silence in the air.
"Erm....maybe the sea bass.... whatever that is..." I said cluelessly, my mind swimming with confusion.
"Well, I'm going to have the....."
"You know what, I'm just going to the ladies room, I'll be right back!" I babbled before he could even finish his sentence.
"Well...ok then...take your time, babe!" he called, soon receiving strange looks from all the old couples around us. Once again, I cringed at the word "babe." I hated it when he called me that.

Running towards the marble toilets, I felt my heart pounding like the first time I got on a motorbike and had a near-death experience!
My mind had been distracted by one person all day- I just had to see their face one last time before I slept. I examined my face in the mirror, the dark bags under my eyes were beginning to show through my concealer and my unruly hair was all over the place. I had to get out of here, without Jeff finding out...

"To Brookhead Road please," I shouted to the UBER driver, over his loud country music, which was beginning to deafen my ears.
"It would be nice to actually get to the place with my ears actually working!" I mumbled, under my breath. Then, we set off, into the dark atmosphere.

15 minutes later.....

We were finally there, after what felt like decades of just sitting around, playing with my thumbs. I've been doing too much of that today!
Tossing the driver a £20 note and nodding at him to keep the change, I dashed towards the door, checking my phone for the time- 9:57pm.
Hopefully she's still awake...

Picking up a nearby pebble, I muster up all of the anger inside my body and throw it onto the window, Georgia's window. I honestly don't know what's  come over me, I've been rejecting people all day, first Georgia, now leaving Jeff. But this person is more important than a stupid date- Georgia means more to me that a silly date with a boyfriend that doesn't even spend time with me...

A light turned on at the window that I threw the stone at and an innocent face flashed out from behind the curtain. As soon as we connected eyes, I saw a huge smile invade her face, showing her cute dimples. Time seemed to stand still for a while as we longingly looked into one another's eyes. Then, her shadow proceeded to turn away from the window and walk downstairs.
"This is it!" I thought, adjusting my shoe strap and pushing some loose hair behind my ears. Light flushed in through all the open cracks of the door....

Hope you enjoyed!
(1200 words!! 😉)

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