Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Dear diary,

So my life seemed to be getting more terrible. The day started out good, yeah but then I think back to when some people tell me my life is jinxed but i didn't want to believe it. What happened today, right about proved it let me continue, 

The sound of the wheels on the bus, brought me back to reality as I stood at the bus stop waiting. I hated taking the bus to school because it was awful, I had to sit in a vehicle filled with tons of kids from all different families. Even though everyone In this neighborhood was rich, they still treated some different from the others.

The worse part was that people though that there was a specific was of sitting in the bus, The so called cool kids sat at the back, people like cheerleaders who said they didn't feel like driving. When truly their cars were taking away because of some stupid thing they did.

Then the middle area was where the normal people sat, the ones who didn't want trouble and like to live through highschool normally. Then the front was taken by people like me, the ones who somehow always attracted trouble. The once who tried to be invisible but unfortunately, were always seen.

I got on the bus and sat at the same seat I did everyday. It was a window seat, I wasn't like most people who liked this seat because of the fresh air and junk.

I sat here because it would be easier to know when I got to hell, I loved to know when I'd get there so I could run before the devils decide to pounce on me

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I sat here because it would be easier to know when I got to hell, I loved to know when I'd get there so I could run before the devils decide to pounce on me. It took at least half an hour to get to school and once I got there, I bolted. I ran straight to my locker and put in my books, zipping my bag, I made my way over to my first class 'Art'.

I loved art class, it had the best teacher. Mrs Harris and she was one of those carefree teachers, who were super nice and hardly ever gave detention. I sat at the front, the furthest away from the trouble makers at the back. I simply waited for Mrs Harris to get here cause I wanted to show her my newest drawing, I hoped deep down she would Love it.

By the time she got here, the class was filled up and we were all ready. By we I meant me, my canvas was out and my brushes were ready for use. The rest were talking about God knows what.

"Good Morning class," She greeted in her high pitched voice, she was always chirpy. Mrs Harris was 5'9 and had chocolate brown eyes, with brunette hair. "Good Morning Mrs Harris." Me and a few other art lovers droned out like middle schoolers. 

"So, does anyone have any drawings or anything this week?" That's what she asks every week and every time, it's usually Me and Sally Wallace who bring out drawings. Sally was a blond chick and unlike some other blonds, she was pretty smart. She was 5'7 and had green eyes. She was really nice and didn't make fun of me like others.

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