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Rayna's POV

We all entered the school and I'm very happy even though I still have trauma on that scene.

We all meet up at our tree spot. I thought we'll be complete for the first time because, there is Rage, Cristine, Priya, Christian and Grey. And I noticed, Nathan still not here. I forgave them all because they saved me.

Is it really because they saved me? Or because I already moved on?

Oh come on.

Cristine explained everything.

She told us she's a gun shooter and her father is a general. Maybe that's why she was able to shoot Victoria's hand on our first day of meeting.

Oh! About Victoria. Sadly, she's on the mental hospital already.

Then back to Cristine's explanation.

Cristine said that, she's very confident to tell the polices to shoot the shark because there's a liquid that they settled to drop on their ropes, then to the water. It will make the shark feel weak until they die.

That's why she was sure that the shark climbing on my rope was already weakened. Plus that she shoot it so it's already dead. Very intelligent!

"And.. About me and Rage." Cristine said and looked at us, particularly to me.

"The reasons of his care, his actions, and his words. It's because... I'm her long lost sister."

"Serephina, if you saw a lady's room inside Rage's home, that's mine. That WAS mine."

"My brother.." Cristine said and glanced a little to Rage. She's very brave to tell these things in front of his brother. Really!

"My brotheris really in love with you, Serephina. That he left you for you not to feel taken for granted if he would focus to me and his family problems. He left you and you became his inspiration to accept our family again. Thank you Serephina. Our brother came back!" She said and laughed. We all laughed while Rage is embarrassed.

"Thank you, and I hope you'll love him back." She said.

It made me speechless and I chose to look away. As I looked away, I saw Nathan.

"Nathan!" I shouted and immediately hugged him tightly.

"I missed you." We both said in unison.

"Ayyieee." I smiled but I saw a lady at his back.

"Who's her?" I asked with my one brow raised.

"She's—" Nathan was cut off when..

"YOU?!" Rage and the lady said in unison.

"Oh! Another love story eh?" Christian said.

"Love story your face! I don't want that girl for my brother!" Cristine said.

"But I want her for your brother!" Christian replied.

"You're going to sink my RaRa ship?" Cristine asked bravely.

"Yes! I'm going to sail my ship soon!" Christian said. I can see Partner and Grey's image to them.

"Hey! Why do I hear my ship here?" Grey asked.

"You shut up Grey! Rage already has his partner so do as Rayna!" Priya shouted!

"Yes! And no one can't sink the NaNa ship. Rage's ship will just sail soon." Christian said and he high fived with partner.

"Yes! Maybe RaRa ship will sink, but I still don't want that girl for my brother." Cristine said.

"RaRa ship won't—" he was stopped when Nathan glared at him. "Hehe. I mean yes! I also don't want that girl for Rage! I want her for me!" I was shocked when I heard that.

I saw Priya's unbelieved reaction.

"What a new love stories right?" Nathan asked.

"Very much. I'm excited for their story." I said and Nathan hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Wait, how about your mother?" I asked.

"She died. But it's alright. At least I am with her before she left. Thank you for letting me go that day." Nathan said. I smiled.

"Condolence." I said.

"Thank you, by the way, isn't you excited for our wedding?"

"Too early!"

"You're not excited?" he asked.

"I am but not today!"

"When?" He asked.

"On Spring Day." I said.

"Okay. Well, Spring Day will start tomorrow so we'll be getting married tomorrow!" Nathan shouted. I didn't remember that.


"Us." We both said in unison.

I am excited for our wedding and mostly, for the next love stories.




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