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Hey guys it's been a while sorry was really busy in school and everything so I'm really sorry and I will be shouting someone out in the next chapter and yes I will be trying to publish two chapters this week so stay tuned and please don't forget to vote and comment thank you soo much for your support bhikha army and love yall soo much and stay positive and never give up hope you like it byee!!

I left the party and got home and I'm like ugh stupid Wes while I was picking a comfortable top to wear tonight. I sat on my bed opened up my laptop and searched on the urban dictionary duff it was really depressing to see that they we're soo many cuffs in the world like Thiers a political duff, tyrannical duff, furry duff, I'm like really then I see a video it's on the duff game I'm like oh God I click on it and see what it is. Then this horrid creepy fat ugly cartoon girl pops up and Thiers two girls behind her and she said I am the duff impress me to get to my friends I am the gatekeeper. Then I'm like no can't watch I close the laptop and put it away then I lay down and say to myself I'm not the duff. I go to school and then in science class (Wes  short for Wesley) comes up to me and says hey Duffy shouldn't you be working with a partner. Then I'm like shouldn't you be working at all? Oh yeah my lab partners got this. Then I look at her and I'm like oh boy clearly Bill Nye over there looks like she's about to drink that acid. Then I started to pour my acid and he started to look at what I was doing to see if I was doing it right and I'm like I work alone take a hint. Why are you so grumpy you know I should be mad at you you're the one who ruined my favorite shirt. I took my science goggles off and I'm  like well you now why? you called me fat and ugly, Wesley! Wesley smirked and was like what?  No I didn't I called you the duff. Yeah excuse me it's just that stands for designated ugly fat friend, dick face. You can't take it literally OK? I mean the duff DOSENT actually have to be fat or ugly you know like Tony romo he's a Dallas cowboy and it's not like he rides a horse right?  I'm like I have no idea what the he'll you're talking about. I'm just saying I would never call anyone fat or ugly okay that messes up but it's the word and it stuck and it's a catchall. I'm like oh my God get the he'll out of here before I murder you. Then Wesley gets up and I put my goggles back on and he turns around and then he comes back he was about to touch me and said are you kidding and I'm like I'll murder you. He's like okay! And leaves. It was lunch time and then Casey's like B where the he'll did you go. I'm like home I wasn't feeling good. Oh well you didn't really miss much. Then Casey's like yeah except Jess making out with Ryan Jensen, the cops busting up the party, and everyone TPing Rebecca cutters house. She's right it was pretty awesome. I was lost for whatever Casey and Jess said but then Jess noticed I wasn't listening and said hello? Are you okay? I'm like yeah just get the food. Then the lunch room lady said hey there Jess and Casey pretending I wasn't there. They said hey then I came and I'm like hey Elaine and she's like hey you! And at that point it was becoming harder and harder to deny the truth without Jess and Casey I ceased to be.

the principal even say hey Jess and Casey DOSENT bother saying it to me and even the teacher says it like I'm not there. Then even Madison didn't want to invite me to her party the boy that was selling homecoming tickets didn't even bother to ask me if I wanted any and only asked Jess and Casey even when I was right there that's when I realised holy shit I was the duff.


I went home and went on my laptop I looked at all my Instagram picks and all the comments we're about Jess and Casey Jess and Casey why was I bosley there we're three angles I said looking at one of the photos from Halloween. Okay I was feeling pissed you know when Batman the guy falls into the vatt of acid and becomes the joker?  This was my vatt of acid moment. My best friends made me the duff. And that made me.....  Angry!!  I shut the laptop and went to sleep. I wake up the next morning wearing really weird and ugly clothes that made me look like I was  poor. My mom shouts from downstairs saying Bianca let's go you will be late for school. I run downstairs my mom was sipping on her coffee and I was like the life gave me the invisibility the license to not give shit.  My moms like you look crazy. I'm like crazy amazing. I walk out of the house and sit in the car and then I start the car and Casey calls I don't pick it up and throw my phone on the seat next to me I go to school park my car in a not proper


I take my bag out of my car and then I realize oh God even my car is the duff

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I take my bag out of my car and then I realize oh God even my car is the duff. I lock the doors and go to library I sit down beside Jess and Casey they made me so mad that I couldn't even look at them our entire friendship was a sham and everyone knew but me. Jess than hands me A paper and says hey B will you take a look at my fashion piece I need a layman's opinion. I was like what did she say to me gave her a weird stare I took the paper out of her hand and I'm like you're aware I'm a women right. Oh no layman it's just a phrase I just mean you're not a fashion expert. I'm like oh so I have bad style. Than Casey turns around from her computer screen and says woah someone's in a mood light in up. Lighten up because I'm so heavy. Then Casey says is there a problem. Outside I jump over the chairs and they follow me outside. I said how can you guys not tell me that I was your duff. They both said our what? Your designated ugly fat friend yeah yeah Wesley told me everything then Casey starts laughing .Casey says he can't even spell that's actually pretty creative for Wes. Jess says since when do you guys care when Wesley rush says he says crazy stuff all the time. Because it makes sense I mean why else would two super hot popular girls would want to be friends with somebody like me OK it's cause you're using me to make yourselves look better. Casey says okay just because you think one of us Is better looking than you....  I'm like oh  God there it is there it is you know what? No no no I'm glad you said that because it makes what I'm about to do a whole lot easier I take my phone out and unfollow them on everything. Their phone buzzed soon as I did that they took their phones out. I'm like yeah go ahead ahead and check them. Jess says did you just unfriend me. I'm like you bet your ass I did. Well fine than I am taking you off my Instagram. Well hallelujah okay I don't have to look at artisinal pictures if your cappuccinos every morning. Jess says how dare you? You live those foam faces they're foam tastic. Than the librarian says Shhhhh. Then I'm look we're going through something over here. I'm like to jess and Casey guess what else unfollowed you all on twitter. Then Casey says oh perfect no more of Bianca's
Almost ironic tweets for the day. I give a chuckle and I'm like oh that's rich coming from this guys thats RTing them all day long. Then casey says they are pitty RT's you know what I'm taking you off of my we heart it and my vine feed. Oh great cause I don't like your loops okay and you know what else I'm blocking your ass on tumblr (b said that to Casey) and you you're off my Snapchat. Jess says well fine!. Fine fine we all say fine!  Then I shout I'm a free women!!  And walkaway and then I turn back and say don't dare be creeping on my Pinterest whores the the librarian put her hand on her mouth cause I swore and I said ops I'm SO sorry Susan I'll see ya tomorrow and there I walk out of the library.

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