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"Now we've got PE." Regan said

"Then lunch." I said as we turned the corner into the deserted hallway that lead to the gym.

"Your participating." He stated.

"I do participate." I said.

"To the best of your ability." He said and pressed my back up against the wall. There was no one in the hallway with us but it still surprised me when he kissed me. He slipped his hands under my shirt and pressed a hand to my abs while speaking."Dont forget your more fit then all of us." He said and I chuckled.

"I thought you were the fittest person in the school?" I said and he shook his head.

"I am when your not here." He said matter of factly. "So show the people in the gym that." He said while kissing me again. Then we walked down to the locker room.

"Carter it's good to see you. I trust you will be in you best element today with what we're doing today." Coach said and Regan nodded then we headed to our lockers. His locker was over to the left so we changed then met up at the door. I hesitantly looked around as the boy who beat me up's voice rang through my ears.

Regan noticed and stepped closer to me. Now he was behind me and I stood in front of him. He placed a hand on the back of my lower waist where no one could see. His touch was really relaxing and made me sigh. "Alright boys out to the track." He said and we all sighed. We headed out to the track and waited on Coach to speak.

"Alright class listen up. I need the class to divide the 32 of you into two groups of 16. Now before you disperse know this on each 16 you will face off while working your way up the leader board until we have two finalists each being from the oposite team. I will be picking the two groups." He said and me and Regan nodded.

"I expect you to face me as the last two. If not then there will be consequences." He said quietly then he walked to the other side of the group. I glared at him and he winked making me roll my eyes. He walked over to Coach and whispered in his ear. Coach looked at me and laughed then shrugged with a nod.

I glared even harder at Regan. Coach split the groups and of course he put the badest of the jocks on my side whom happens to be the main kid who beat the shit out off me.

"Well if it isn't the fag himself, back to get the shit beat out of you again?" He asked and I crossed my arms. I saw Regan clench his fists and step foward but I shook my head. If he wanted me to be myself then fine.

"I dont need you to beat my ass because you think it makes you look cool." I said. Ya I know it sounded like a shity come back but I wasnt trying to be snarky I was being honest and up front.

He looked taken aback by it at first then made a growling like noise and got up in my face. "Who do you think...?"

"Boys whats going on?" Coach asked pressing a hand to the jocks chest and pushing him back slightly. Regan pointed at the two of us then the track and coach. I knew what he meant. It made me smirk cause I knew I would win. "Got something to say Legar?" Coach asked. Looking at me suspiciously.

"Yes actually. I was going to ask coach if I could race him for the first race of the tournament?" I asked and they both looked at me shocked. People in the group made 'oooo' noises. It really wasnt that intimidating it was just question.

"I umm coach I dont think thats a good idea cause clearly I can out run him." The jock said and I forced down a laugh.

"Oh come one it will get you into the next round easy then right? Or what you afraid of being beaten by the laughing stock if the school?" I asked and he glared.

"Fine." He said and coach nodded. We walked up to the line and got ready.

"There are no rules when it comes to you and your aponent. Just no punching and grabbing. That goes for everyone. When the last two players run there will be 2 and a half laps to really prove you've got it." He said and we all nodded.

The jock and I got ready and the second coach blew the whistle the fuckin asshole tripped me. I fell on my back and hit my head off the ground which hurt like hell. There were laughs but Regan was at my side in seconds.

"You ok?" He asked and I nodded. He pulled me up and I rubbed the back of my head. "You can still catch him." He said.

"There is no way he will catch him." Coach said and Regan smiled widly. Then pushed me and i took off around the track. I wasnt even running my full speed and I was gaining on him.

When he hit the last round off I began to really gain on him. He picked up spead a little but I passed him and he tried tripping me again but I jumped over his foot and barrel rolled foward and landing right back into a run. He was right behind me when I passed the line first. I slowed down and Regan caught me the rest of the way. People cheered for me and even for the jock. I bent over my knees to catch my breath. The jock did the same.

"Well Legar I was not expecting that." The coach said. I rolled my eyes while still catching my breath.

The coach had the next two get on the line and started the race. People screamed and hollered for them to win while I sat down. Regan stood behind me as I wiped a hand down my sweaty face.

"Legar!" Some one yelled and my head shot up to a supper pissed looking jock and his group of dicks approaching. "What the hell was that?!" He asked and I shrugged while leaning back into Regan's leg. I was still catching my breath. The jock looked up at Regan for a moment then looked back at me. "Did you just get shaped up over the last two weeks or what?" He asked and Regan chuckled.

"I've always been in shape, you and your group just get in the way." I said and astonishment filled his eyes.

"What do you mean we get is your way besides the obvious 'getting the shit beat out of you' part?" He asked finally calming his voice down. The whistle blew and the next group went up but all of us didn't care.

"If you say something like that one more time I'm gonna ring rag your neck with my foot. Your lucky I haven't fuckin done it already." Regan said and the jock looked up at him and rolled his eyes. Regan moved to step towards him making the jock flinch but I grabbed his ankle and he halted.

"Don't Regan you'll just get in trouble." I said and he scoffed.

"Worth it." Was all he said before relaxing and standing behind me again. I smiled but it only faltered as the jock spoke again.

"Would you just answer my previous question?" He asked.

"Basically you just answered it. You would have beat the shit out of me had I shown you up on the field and don't deny it you know damn well what you and your group would have done." I hissed while gesturing to all of them.

It was silent then one of the boys next to him spoke. "He's right Alex. You do that." He said and the group chuckled but the jock, whom I now know as Alex, just stood there looking at me. We just stood there looking at each other and I was guarantied that he was about ready to punch me.

"Allen." Coach yelled form the line and I looked over at him. "Your up." He said and I nodded. I looked back at Alex. He looked over at coach who was talking to another boy then sighed and extended a hand out to me. I looked at it for a moment before taking it and he pulled me up.

"If you don't win against Regan when its time to race him I'm gonna punch you." He said and I rolled my eyes while walking to the starting line. Then we raced. We raced all through out the period until it was down to me and Regan and I tried hard to keep my breath steady. Regan was doing the same. All the boys sat on the side lines out of breath. The coach looked at me then Regan and smirked.

"I don't know how you've done it Allen but you and Regan have both shown remarkable talent today." He said as we both approached the starting line.

"Don't take it easy on me Regan." I said and he chuckled. "You want me to be myself then it's all or nothin." I said and he looked at me with a smirk.

"Ready boys?" Coach said and we both nodded. "Go!"

What Happened to the Bad Boy? (What Happened Series #1) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now