Chapter 10

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WARNING: More smut...I'm not sorry. 

The wedding day is here. Elizabeth was woken up early by Robb kissing her lips softly and whispering his goodbye and said that he would see her tonight.  She smiled as he did and whispered goodbye back as soon as he left the room all the girls flooded in, Catelyn, who had a significantly better attitude towards her, Sansa with the dress, her handmaidens with all the other preparations, and Arya, who mostly sat down on the bed pouring because she had to wear a dress. It felt like days were going by as she got ready. She was cleaned and bathed by her handmaidens before pulling on a robe as they did her hair. After that she had to choose a bouquet, when the food would be served, and  who would be seated next to who at the high table. 

After all these decisions were made, it was mutually decided that they should move to a larger room. Once everything and everyone was moved to a larger bedroom, princess Marcella and queen Cersei soon joined them to Elizabeth's and Catelyn's dismay. Marcella was sweet and kind as they ate lunch before starting to get ready, while Cersei was her usual cold self. Hours passed as everyone in the room got ready themselves and helped Elizabeth get ready. It was about a half hour before the wedding when everyone else left and it was only her, Catelyn, Sansa, and Arya. Catelyn and Sansa helped put on her dress as Arya sat and watched. The dress was long and made out of thick white fabric that glittered slightly in the light, it had a slight poof, but not too much, and detailed with silver snowflakes.

"This is beautiful Sansa.." Elizabeth exclaimed as she felt the fabric on her skin and twirled around the room in it. Sansa smiled and nodded. "I'm so glad you like it!" She was dressed in a light blue dress with the same snowflake detailing, Catelyn and Arya also in similar designed dresses. "Girls why don't you start heading down there and make sure Jon is ready. I will be down in a moment." Catelyn said as Sansa and Arya left the room. She looked over at Elizabeth, who was smiling ear to ear, her hair in a half up half down style and slightly curled. "I am relived you are marrying my son Elizabeth...even if we had our fight...I'm glad I wasn't able to change his mind." She said and Elizabeth hugged her tightly. "I am glad as well...and I completely forgive you Lady Catelyn..." Catelyn smiled and hugged the girl back before saying. "Please...just Catelyn from now on dear..." she then placed a cloak around Elizabeth and smiled. "I will see you down there darling." And with that Catelyn left the room and Elizabeth was alone. She admired her reflection in the mirror and smiled, her dreams were finally coming true, and she could not wait a second longer. 

A few moments later Jon knocked on the door holding a wooden box and smiled as she opened the door. When Jon opened the door he gasp softly and smiled. "You look beautiful Elizabeth." He said moving inside the room. "You really think so Jon?" She said smiling and blushing gently. "I know so...and I know that you and Robb will live a long happy life together." He said handing her the wooden box. "This is for you...from Robb and I...but mostly Robb." He said smiling and Elizabeth took the box, opening it up slowly and gasping as it revealed a diamond encrusted necklace. "It's beautiful!" She exclaimed looking up at a smiling Jon. "I'm glad you like it." He said taking the necklace out of the box and gesturing her to move her hair out of the way. "May I?" Elizabeth nodded moving her hair out of the way as he clasped on the necklace, she felt it between her fingers and smiled up at him. "I love it." She said and kissed Jon gently on the cheek before he put a long light gray cloak around her and she took his arm. "Now, let's get you down there future Lady Stark." Elizabeth giggled and smiled and squeezed his arm gently. And with that they were off down to the wedding. 

The ceremony was beautiful. All the trees were decorated with lanterns and a light snow was falling. Robb was wearing a black ensemble with a light brown fur cloak around him. White roses were scattered throughout, and most of all, there were no outbreaks from Joffrey. When the ceremony was over and Robb leaned down to kiss Elizabeth, everyone applauded and the happy couple laughed and led everyone into the great hall. They ate, drank, and most of all had a grand old time. The gifts they received from their guests were very elaborate and well thought. It wasn't until the end of the night when King Robert stood up and cleared his throat that they remembered one of the most important parts of a Westerosie wedding, the bedding ceremony.
They looked at each other and blushed softly looking at the drunken king. "Well my fellow lords and ladies it looks like this night it coming to a close. I just wanted to say that I wish this young couple many years together." The king then broke out laughing and yelled. "What are you idiots waiting for?! Start the bedding ceremony!" And with that Elizabeth was carried away by the men to their new shared bed chambers, Robb close behind being escorted by the women. Once they entered the room everyone walked out and walked away. Except for the guards who were set outside the room to make sure they weren't disturbed. 

Elizabeth looked around the room. It was large room with a large bed in the middle of it which was covered in fur blankets. There were also two dressers across from each other on either side of the room, and a fireplace at across from the bed. When her eyes finally landed on Robb she found him already done making the fire and smiled sitting down on the bed. "Mm feels so much better in here." She said and he smiled moving so he was standing over her. "I'm glad you think so my lady..." he said leaning down and kissing her lips gently. Elizabeth kissed gently back and mumbled against his lips. "Thank you for the present my lord." She said gesturing to the necklace and he smirked. "Anything for my lady." And with that the two were making out hungrily. Robb moved so he was sitting on his knees in front of her as they continued to kiss, his arms wrapped around her waist as hers were wrapped around his neck. Soft moans left each of their lips before Robb broke the kiss and started kissing down her neck, sucking gently on spots and whispering in her ear. "I'm going to make sure the whole castle can hear you moaning for me...especially that little prick Joffrey." Elizabeth giggled at that before gasping and moaning softly as Robb sucked on her sweet spot. "O-oh Robb...please do...". 

Within seconds of her answer Robb slipped Elizabeth out of her dress, corset, and other undergarments, and still on his knees in front of her, he kissed down her body further, sucking and nibbling on her nipples, which made her let out a sigh of contentment and run her fingers through his curly auburn hair. Once he reached her core he spread her legs and licked her slowly. She moaned his name and gripped his hair harder at his actions, him taking that as a sign to continue, pushed his tongue inside her and trusted it in and out while rubbing her clit in circles. Elizabeth moaned loudly and pulled at his hair as the pleasure increased. It didn't take her long to orgasm moaning his name and shaking slightly against him. 

When Robb came back up to her he quickly undid his trousers and let them fall, letting his erection shoot up against his stomach as he stripped. He let Elizabeth catch her breath and lay back comfortably on the bed and settle into the fur blankets before wrapping her legs around his waist and pushing into her slowly. This caused a mewling moan to escape past her lips and a loud groan to go past his. He began thrusting slowly, whispering sweet nothings in her ear, which made her arch her hips and grip the sheets. Loud moans and groans then started filling the air as Robb thruster faster and faster, causing Elizabeth's walls to clench are his cock. As they both were starting to reach their climax they embraced in a heated kiss and Elizabeth dug her nails into Robb's back. This made the man go even faster and brought Elizabeth over the edge crying out his name. And soon enough, Robb was calling out hers as well as he came inside her. After they both finished, Elizabeth laid back on the bed panting softly and closing her eyes. Robb did the same but pulled one of the furs to cover their bodies and pulled Elizabeth close to him, she responded by snuggling into his side and nuzzling his neck. Before they both knew it they started to drift off to sleep. Robb was stroking Elizabeth's back and kissed her forehead gently as they both whispered goodnight before falling into a deep peaceful sleep.

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