chapter 17

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It was still the black of night when they were riding out of Winterfell. Robb and Elizabeth had said their sad goodbyes to Bran and Rickon, knowing that they would be safe and well cared for with Maester Luwin and the guards present. The two rode beside each other as Greatjon and Lord Karstark rode on either side of them, Roose Bolton not far behind. "So lady Elizabeth...the news going around is that your that true?"  said the cold voice of Roose Bolton from behind her. Elizabeth nodded looking over at him slightly and whispered. "It is..." she said holding onto her reigns and fixing her cloak slightly. Roose Bolton smiled and nodded looking back ahead of him. "Can't wait to meet the little tyk." he said a little mockingly and rode further up so he was now riding on the other side of Lord Karstark. Elizabeth bit her lip slightly and looked down, the whole relam knew that the Aryn's had bad luck producing children, which is why she waited so long to tell Robb that she was pregnant. Lysa went through so many still births and miscarriages before giving birth to Robin, and his so sickly. But, with Elizabeth's mother's pregnancy her father said it was different, she was their first and only child together, so that gave her a little hope that things would be okay for her's as well. The Greatjon glared over at Roose and rode slightly closer to Elizabeth, at this Greywind also walked closer to her, as if sensing the possible danger from Roose.

Elizabeth watched as Greywind wandered slightly in front of them for the rest of the journey, looking back at her and Robb every once in a while as they led their men through the night. It wasn't until about mid-day when they decided to stop and set up camp for the night. Robb quickly got off his horse and took the reigns of Elizabeth, he then tied them both up before helping her down and making sure she was steady. "Are you alright my love?" he said placing a hand on the slight bump that was starting to show, he knew that what Roose said hit her hard and it hit him hard as well. So many things could happen and he was actually glad that she forced him to let her come along. Elizabeth nodded and smiled up at him. "Yes darling, just a little sore." Robb holding out his arm for her, she took it and he began to lead her through the halfway prepared camp to their own tent. When they arrived at their tent Elizabeth sighed and moved to sit on the bed, Robb following her and he sat next to her, Greywind walking to sit in front of them and laid his head on Robb's lap. "I don't trust that Roose Bolton. You should not put that all your trust in the man." She said looking up at Robb, he nodded taking her hand in his and kissed the top of her head. "Neither do I...he scares me a bit...but, I need to keep him close to watch over him." He said placing a hand on Elizabeth's stomach. "I promise he will not hurt us." Elizabeth nodded and kissed his cheek. "Good, the Greatjon doesn't trust in him much either, trust in him to watch over him."

They kept the camp for a few days. Elizabeth was sitting in her and Robb's tent sewing some baby clothes while Robb was meeting with the Lords. Word had traveled that the Riverland lords had fallen by the hand of Jamie Lannister and the Mountain, which put the army in a predicament. Elizabeth imagined they would be talking for a few hours, so she was surprised when she was called to the strategy tent only a half n hour later.

She was led by a guard to the tent where she saw and heard the familiar voice of Lady Catelyn. "Lady Catelyn!" she said smiling walking over to the women and Robb. Catelyn smiled hugging her close. "My sweet are you? Robb has told me that you two are expecting...I am so excited to become a grandmother." Elizabeth nodded and smiled. "We have you been?" She sighed softly and nodded. "I've been good. But, it's you who I should be worrying about." Elizabeth shook her head and smiled. "I'm perfectly healthy, how was Lady Lysa? She hasn't answered any of my requests for men, we just sent another letter this morning." Catelyn sighed and shook her head, "She's probably not going to be sending you any men anytime soon, but it couldn't help to keep trying." Everyone knew that Lady Lysa was more crazier than usual lately and they weren't surprised that the knights of the Vale never showed up to the calling of the banners, but Elizabeth knew that the only way she would be able to call the Knights of the Vale is if she went there herself...but that was not going to happen while she was pregnant.

Elizabeth sat on her horse next to Lady Catelyn. Her hair was in a neat side braid and she was wearing a thick teal gown, which was covered by her furs. Robb took 200 men and went to attack the kingslayer's hold on Riverrun, while the other part of the army went off to face Lord Tywin as hopes to distract his so they could kidnap Jamie. They sat waiting in silence, Elizabeth's heart in her throat and her hold tight on the reigns, ready to flee crying if something was to go wrong. The hours seemed to go on forever until they heard the shouts and hoofs of a coming party. She gripped the reigns of her horse tighter and pulled herself back, she looked at Catelyn who had the same look of hope/terror on her face that Elizabeth knew she had as well. When the party came closer Elizabeth saw all she needed, she saw the piercing Tully blue eyes underneath a mess of auburn curls and a smile broke out on her face, seeing the Kingslayer tied up and being led behind him.

Once they got closer she carefully got down from her horse and ran towards her husband. He gave his reigns over and jumped down from his as well, holding out his arms for her and lifting her in his arms as she got to him, a smile plastered on both their faces. "We were in and out before they knew what was happening...we did it. We have Riverrun." Robb said kissing Elizabeth's lips. She kissed back smiling and tears ran down her cheeks. "I'm so proud of you." She said and Robb let her down as Catelyn walked over and hugged her son tightly before pulling away. The Kingslayer was then thrown down at their feet and he looked up at them. "Well Lady Stark..." he said addressing Catelyn. "I would give you my sword but I have seem   to have misplaced it." He said moving slightly so he could look at Elizabeth. "And look at you...the new Lady Stark...don't you look beautiful." Elizabeth rolled her eyes and crosses her arms, Robb glared at him and pulled Elizabeth closer. "Lock him up Lord Umber...send all the best men to guard him." 

All the men behind them were cheering, putting a somber look onto Robb's face. He looked at Theon, Elizabeth, and his mother before addressing the army itself. "I've sent 2000 men to their graves today...this one conquest does not make us conquerors, we didn't free my father from the dungeons and we didn't free my sisters from the queen, they still have control over the North because they are not free. This war is far from's only the beginning." He said. Elizabeth watched him walk away and looked at Lady Catelyn before following him through the camp. 

They arrived at the Twins a few days later. Elizabeth and Robb sat with their men waiting for Catelyn to come back from speaking with Lord Walder. When she finally returned they rode over to her. "We have the Frey's support and they are willing to let us cross...but we have to agree with his terms." Robb sighed and shook his head "And what are his terms?" "Arya will be marrying one of his grandsons when she comes of age...." "She'll never agree to that." Elizabeth said laughing slightly and Robb nodded and smiled in agreement. "Well she will have to live with it...we will take a few of his grandsons and sons as squires, and...Your first child is to be betrothed to one of his many grand-children..." Elizabeth and Robb looked at each other. "Isn't it a little early to be deciding this? Elizabeth hasn't even given birth yet!" Catelyn shook her head and signed. "I'm afraid you consent?" Elizabeth and Robb looked at each other for a moment before Robb nodded and sighed. "We agree to these terms." 

I forgot that I never added a Frey chapter....that is kind of important....sorry if the last paragraph is crappy....

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