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~Your POV~

I can't believe I did it again!

Why do have to have these nightmares!?

Why do I have to scream in the middle of the night!?

Why do I do it every night!?

Ever since I was little I had nightmares and then just recently I started to get....more active.

I start screaming, but I can't remember any of the nightmares.

That's the scary thing really.

Not knowing what you're so scared of.

It first started when I was at a school trip for Karasuno's volleyball team I had to room with some of my friends for the finals in Tokyo.

Our group drew the short straw in rooming next to the volleyball team's room.

It was so loud, I remember, trying to get themselves pumped up for the game.

When we went to sleep, I remember I had the worst feeling in the world and started screaming bloody murder.

Everyone could hear me, and the volleyball team was at panic when they came in.

The story my friends told me was that the volleyball team came in and asked why I was screaming and then they were trying figure out what to do so they turned to Kageyama since we'd known each other for the longest time since we were neighbors.

And he said he didn't know and that I've never screamed, but he remembered my nightmares.

And everyone was like, "Well, how do you deal with the nightmares, maybe it's the same."

He refused to do anything and had a red face.

Everyone pleaded him to do it and he was really reluctant to.

And then he explained what my mom does when I have nightmares:

She always sat my head in her lap and caress my hair and tell me softly to wake up and kiss my forehead.

Two of my friends told me they tried to do it, but it didn't work, apparently.

Then they asked if anyone else would do it and they all threw Kageyama under the bus by using the excuse, "You know her better."

So, he sat on the side of the bed as I was still screaming and crying and picked my head up and put it in his lap as he would stroke my hair and tell me to wake up.

I actually remember the part where he kissed my forehead because I was already sort of awake at the time but when I woke up, I was still crying and realized I had the worst nightmare of my life and started clinging to the first thing my hands could find for comfort.

And that was Kageyama.

He was hesitant but hugged back uncomfortably.

After about a minute or two he tried to leave but my tear-stricken face begged him to stay.

I had soaked his shirt while I had pleaded, "Please stay with me, I'm so scared."

He tried to ask me what I was scared of, but I had no clue.

I just needed him and only him.

I don't know why but I just did.

That brings us to now because I keep doing it every night.

Every night when I wake up, I can hear my mom crying in the back door frame and I was bawling my eyes out as well.

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