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I woke up suddenly. I looked at my clock, it read '4:23'. I had a dream..no..a nightmare.
I've been having them for the past few days, and it's always of that boy puppet.
He would say the same things over and over. "Help me"
Not only that, but I feel like Ryan is avoiding me. Him and that girl are always together. Yeah, he ditched me for her.

I couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to make breakfast. I was done by '5:30'. I went back upstairs and took a shower, brushed my teeth, and picked my outfit for the day. I decided to lay on my bed and wait until it's time to get ready for school. I was staring at the white ceiling, thinking about the most random things. I started dozing off, when my alarm went off. I slowly got on my feet and headed down the creaking stairs.

Another day of him ignoring me. What happened to our friendship? Was it all a joke? Was it all a joke that I was so easily replaced? all this question were haunting my mind every time I saw him, and believe me it was often. He would pass by me without sparing me a glance. Sometimes I would ask myself if I was invisible.  It went on for a couple more weeks. I would go up to him to start a conversation, but he would totally ignore my existence. My friends would tell me to ignore him too, but that's something I can't bring myself to do.

I was peacefully walking to my last period when the same thing happened to me. I was completely frozen, and the same little boy in my dreams appeared. This time he wasn't little, he looked the same age as me. He looked dead. "help me! help me! Help me ELIA!" He said my name. How does he know my name? I thought.  At this point, I didn't Think it was a simple nightmare haunting my nights anymore. Something was going on, and that something was big.

I woke up in the infirmary. Apparently I passed out on my way to class. My mind suddenly went back to the vision I had.  I looked at the clock and it read "12:50". It should be lunch right now. I slowly sat up and headed for the door. I had a feeling that I was suppose to be elsewhere.

I ran outside the building, noticing some of the students' glare. I stopped in front of the school, and that same feeling of being paralyzed got to me. I stood in front of the school staring in space. I heard voices, I looked around and saw no one, that's when I realized it was all in my head. I felt my soul leave my body, and it collided with the ground.

From that day on, nothing in my life would be normal.

The subtitles are gonna be in French from now on, cause it's easier that way...
Btw "aliena" means strange, bizarre....(I may be wrong)
Thank you for reading 📖

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