"...what would you do?"

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One week. That was all I had. One week to arrange my absence with my bosses, pack my belongings, and overall get my act together before the tour started. When I heard mention of the band, I juggled the options in my head for a while. Staying home to take care of my health seemed the more practical option, and straining myself on a tour would only worsen my state. Then again, my friend would never forgive me if I passed up an opportunity to get out of this house, travel the world, and befriend a band we have both admired for so long.

I don't know what kind of fantasy she's got playing and replaying in her mind, but if this trip reflects the luck I've had in the past I'm gonna have quite the hospital bill. Meandering my way back to the phone, I picked it up. Tapping the numbers with a hesitant pace I called Vee, who I wasn't the most eager getting the opinion of. Practicality wasn't any acquaintance of hers, but taking a chance was never a friend of mine. Besides, she'd find out I was gone sometime had I chosen the tour.

She actually bothered to pick up this time.

"Hannah? I'm sorry I'm late, I was catching up on Love Connection, and this Jennifer is a real-"

"Vee," I cut her off. "Do you mind if we talk? Maybe, not over the phone?" I heard her shuffling around in her closet, no doubt stretching the phone cord past its limits. Some boxes she shoved on the top shelf came crashing down, and she didn't say anything for a while. "Vee, you alive over there?"

"Damn this closet...I'm still here," she finally answered. "I'm buried under piles of decorations and shoes trying to find something to wear, this had better be important."

"Maybe I ought to come over there," I offered toying with the cord. "If it's this much trouble..."

"With your sore leg? No, I'll be right over. Move!" she yelled, something colliding with the wall ending in a less than pleasant sound. "Five sound good?"

I set the cups of tea down at the table and eased my way into a chair. Across from me sat my friend, donning a rather planned ahead outfit. She smirked at the drink in front of her. "Still haven't fixed it yet?"

"Have you seen how much they cost these days?" I asked passing her the sugar. "I don't think I ever will."

"Get a guy to do it. That's what I did." I rolled my eyes and tapped my fingers on the table. Her company made the house feel cozier, despite the low maintenance appearance. I couldn't appreciate it enough with the question on my mind. "So," she asked taking a drink. "Whatcha need?"

My throat went dry. "Vee...if you had the opportunity to do something really exciting, but possibly really stupid...what would you do?"

"You've seen enough of my neighbor's windows to know what I'd do," she laughed. "But it depends on what this 'opportunity' is. Any way dangerous?"

"I don't think so..." She frowned at me, making me sigh. "Not really, but in the condition I'm in-"

"Oh for Pete's sake, go to a doctor and have it fixed already," she dismissed grabbing a napkin. It flew out of her hand onto the floor, to which she grumbled to herself. "When's your appointment?"

"Next month, a few days actually." Tour or no tour I'd have to go get my leg checked out, and if the light's red, I'm staying home. "I'm sure my leg is fine."

"Alright, assuming your leg is fine, and assuming it's not in any way dangerous, I'd say go for it. How often have you taken risks?" she asked giving me a look. I'd have returned it but she wasn't wrong.

"Well, climbing on roofs all day isn't a walk in the park, now is it?" I asked sipping my tea. I watched my companion chug her cup down, slamming it on the table when she finished, and brush her hair out of the way. "Neither are railroads."

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