a new story begins

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A/N: there is going to be sex strongly hinted but I won't actually write it. I'm sorry for this but it's crucial to the story.

Chara's POV

Her hair fanned out around her as she spun around.

"So this is our place guys. I love it, what about you?" She asked with that smile that could light up the darkest situations.

"Yeah, I have to agree Frisk. Chara tell your parents I said thanks." He said with his eyes that can dull any pain or hurt.

"Sure thing!" I was always happy when I was with them.

"Guys we can do what ever we want now!" Frisk ran over and hugged me and Azzy.

"Yep! You can finally open a bakery." I told her as I stroked her hair.

"What'll you do, your highness?" Azzy teased.

"I'll be a good responsible que- no I'll be honest I'm going to dump the responsibility of ruling on my brother." I said smiling.

Frisk giggled, "Well at least I'll be able to see you more!" She always found something to be happy about.

"Well I'm running from responsibility too, so I can't judge." Azzy admitted.

As long as I have my two angels I can deal with anything.

"Well who wants to go say hi to our brothers?" I asked. We weren't married yet but it was going to happen, after all we were soulmates.

"No, I want to spend some time with my girlfriends right now." Azzy answered.

"They can wait." Frisk agreed.

"Well then, who wants to watch movies that we'll probably end up hating?" I asked.

"I'll get the popcorn." Azzy ran to the kitchen.

"Where's the TV again?" Frisk asked.

I started laughing and showed her the way.

Elizabeth's POV

"But mom we're free." I pointed out.

"The monsters are just going to seal us back underground. Best not to get comfortable up there." She said.

The barrier was broken but since my parents were members of the black clan they wouldn't let me leave.

"Mom I'm 16 now I'm going to leave with or without you." I threatened.

"No you'll be 16 next month." She corrected.

"Then, I'll run away." I countered.

"You don't have the balls." She claimed.

"I'm a girl. And I will do it." I was dead serious.

"Just do your chores." She shooed me away.

If she wanted me to leave her alone I would. I wouldn't ever bother her again. I needed to leave. It had been two weeks since the barrier had been broken.

"Fine." I said and and walked into the house. I kept walking until I got to my room.

I grabbed all my clothes and threw them into a bag. I also grabbed my necklace I had gotten from my real mom. She had died when I was young. Her sister was my only relative after that. She made me call her and uncle mom and dad. They hated me.

I'm not over exaggerating. They don't give me birthday presents and I only got one meal a day. They threw away all my pictures of mom. I only have the one in the locket now. I kept it hidden under a loose floorboard under my bed. I put it around my neck.

I then snuck down with my bag and filled up the rest of my bag with food. I stole the food from my "parents".

I looked out the window next to the back door. I sighed.

My cousin was walking towards the back door. He hated me more than his parents. Unlike them however, he didn't underestimate my abilities. If he saw my bag he would know my plans.

I quickly crouched down next to the air vent. I opened it and placed my bag inside. I stood up and walked to the sink and began to wash the dishes, one of my chores.

"Hey bitch, why haven't you done the laundry yet?" He asked. Doing the laundry was one of his chores. If I didn't do it he "taught me a lesson". I shiver to think about what he would do this time, each time it got worse.

"After this I will." I told him.

"Using that tone with me huh?" He asked. I had said it in my normal voice but I knew better than to argue.

"I'm sorry." I tried to sound sincere.

"An 'I'm sorry' isn't going to cut it." He said and grabbed my wrist. Everything in my body told me to cry for help. But that only made the punishment worse.

"Lets see what should I do this time?" He asked aloud. He reached his hand out. I immediately turned my head to the side and looked down. It hurt less if he slapped me in that position. He laughed.

"No, I'll do something different this time." He said. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. I obeyed, struggling always made it worse.

He used his hand that wasn't holding me down to lift my shirt up. My eyes widened in horror.

"No, please no." I begged. He only laughed and continued.

I'll spare you the story about what happened next but, let's just say I was no longer innocent.

"Next time it'll be more painful." He said as he walked away smirking.

I put my clothes back on and sat on the floor. I began to cry. After a few minutes later I stood up. I was so ready to leave.

I grabbed my bag and ran, any hesitation I had before was gone. I kept going until I made it to the capital.

By the time I made it there it was dark and I was tired. I walked into one of the houses and ate some of my food before going to sleep

No one's POV

Two very different stories were beginning to unfold but they would eventually collide to become one.

A/N: OMG I am SO sorry. That was the worst part in this story. I promise that was it. I feel so awful. But I had to do it for the story. I'm so, so, so, so sorry. I won't suggest sex after this. This was the only time and I feel like garbage. It won't happen again. Stay innocent my children.

Switchedtale: a new home? (Sequel To A Human, Demon, And Monster)Where stories live. Discover now