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A/N:what the fuck? You get another chapter for this

A/N:what the fuck? You get another chapter for this

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Elizabeth's POV

I continued through the forest until I couldn't see. I had heard it got dark during "night" but, I wasn't expecting it to be this dark. Then the moon and stars came out.

They were beautiful. I continued using their light to see. I eventually got tired and hungry so, I ate and went to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of birds (that's what they're called right?) chirping. I smiled, the sound was beautiful. I knew coming up here wasn't a mistake. This place too beautiful to be evil.

As the day went on I kept walking and I kept falling more in love with the surface. I eventually reached the end of the forest.

By that time it was mid day. I saw a town in the distance and began walking towards it. When I reached the town I didn't see any one. I called out ... but nobody came A/N: okay, okay I'll stop being such cringe.

I called out but my only answer was a swoosh of the wind. I felt something soft brush my ear. Starting at the back of my ear then to the front, that was also the direction the wind went in. I saw an arrow bury itself in the wood of the house in front of me.

I spun around and saw a monster duck down behind a well. I ran back towards the forest as I heard and saw more arrows being shot at me. I had almost made it and one hit the back of my right leg. I managed to use my arms to drag myself into the forest to avoid further injury.

I dragged myself to a nearby stream. I had been injured enough to know exactly how to treat a wound although, I had never had one this bad. I snapped the head of the arrow off of the shaft of it. I then quickly yanked the arrow out. I screamed as I did so.

I then washed the injury and washed some large leaves and sticks. I used the leaves and sticks to make a splint. I ate some of my food to help get some of my strength back.

I knew my chances of survival were now slim. I had never fought back before. But that only mad me more determined to fight back against death. And I had a lot of fight built up inside me. I didn't push it down now. I let out a determined scream. "I will live!" I shouted at whatever gods there were that wanted me to die.

I wasn't going down with out a fight.

Time skip brought to you by my amazing editor SarahNewman8

I woke up not to the sound of birds but to the feeling of being so cold I felt like I was ice. I looked around I was in a building of some kind. There were no windows, it was cold and falling apart in the room. It was also very dark. There were stairs in the corner.

I noticed a blanket a few feet from me. I quickly grabbed it and wrapped it around myself. I also curled my legs inward and hugged my knees to try to keep warm. My teeth were chattering and my body was shivering.

Where am I? Why is it so cold? How did I get here? I kept asking questions until my stomach interrupted me.

I realized my bag was gone. I tried to stand up and failed horribly. I had forgotten about my injury. I looked down at it and gasped. It was wrapped in real bandages not leaves. And the splint was made with much better quality sticks.

I heard a door open and looked up to see some one coming down the stairs. It was a monster. I checked my pockets, I still had the knife. I didn't have much of a chance but, I would try to fight them off.

"Oh, good. You're up I was worried. You've been out for a week. How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Uh I've been better." I managed through my chattering teeth.

"Oh my God. I forgot how cold it must feel with out fur!" He said.

The monster was a blue bunny. He seemed really nice.

"Where am I?" I asked as he went through drawers in a dresser that I had noticed earlier.

"You're in River Vale. It's the town I live in. How did you get shot?" He asked as he pulled some blankets out which, he handed to me.

"I was attacked when I walked into a village." I said as I bundled myself in the blankets.

"It must have been a village from the neighboring kingdom." He said.

"Why do you say that?" I ask.

"It's not illegal to attack humans there." He said.

"Oh, my name is Elizabeth thanks for taking care of me." I bowed my head in gratitude.

"Oh it's no big deal. Everyone calls me guy." He said.

"What's your real name?" I asked.

"I prefer guy over my real name." He said.

"Suit your self guy." I said.

"Let me check your injury." He said.

"Kay." I stuck my leg out from under my burrow of blankets.

He took the splint and the bandages off.

"What the? This wasn't here last time." Guy said, while I gasped.

On my right knee were the words "your soulmate is unknown".

This had never happened before. There were no marks, people without names, but never has there been something like this.

"What does this mean?" I wondered aloud.

Guy shook his head as he treated my injury. "I don't know." He didn't understand how huge this was.

Chris Hyla's POV

"Have you given the formula for the serum to the monsters' royal scientist?" I asked.

"Yes, she's working on making enough for all the monsters." Casper told me.

A/N: I'm still sorry about the first chapter. How will monsters react to the serum? Comment what you think down below and if you're right you'll get a shout out. Stay weird my children.

Switchedtale: a new home? (Sequel To A Human, Demon, And Monster)Where stories live. Discover now