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I grasped my book and threw myself on my bed.

Tried to breath normally but I just couldn't.

My lungs were full of loathe and confusion.

"Then why doesn't everyone leave?" I asked. "There must be nicer planets to live on."

"Beats me. Maybe 'cause they were born there..."

-Pinball, 1973.

It's likely to say that you couldn't leave something that you were born with.

But I wasn't born with you.

Maybe I was born for you so that was why I couldn't leave you.

Perhaps, there was that 'nicer planet to live on'.

So you left me.

Maaf belum bisa lanjutin ceritanya ArkanPatiroi soalnya lagi gaada ide wkwk.

Maafkan juga atas tulisan gaje hasil kegabutan ini hehe.

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