Pasta Bakes and Sinking Ships

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His office was only a couple of miles away from my house in LA. I still lived with my parents even though I would be twenty-two in a couple of months. The show had ended almost three years ago and since the set had been so close to my house I hadn't thought there was any point in moving. And now being on tour for the majority of my time meant I was hardly at home anyway. And honestly I loved my dad's cooking. His homemade pasta bakes were so good even Gordon Ramsay would eat it without cussing. Well cussing angrily.

I pulled into the driveway and let Bastille finish the chorus of Pompeii before switching the engine off. I hated it when people switched a song off at an important point. I pushed open the main double doors and headed towards his room. I entered, not bothering to knock. 'Hey Dave, what's up? You sounded all tense on the pho-Noah?! Wait! Why are you all here?' I looked around and took in the sight of the entire Tate family, mum and dad included. There was Noah, his sister Natasha who I was actually pretty close to, and his three brothers - Nick, Neil and Nate (yes his name was Nate Tate) I was about to start up a conversation about  LA traffic when I saw the looks on their faces. Noah looked like he wanted to murder me and his three brothers looked like they were already thinking of places to hide my body.
'Is everything okay' I tentatively asked, trying to prevent the pitch of my voice from ascending.
David hesitantly pushed a piece of paper towards me.

'Dear Noah Tate and Amy Santon,

Unfortunately due to the number of fans complaining and apparently falling into depression because their ship is sinking, the health association have declared that you both need to get married to one another. Failure to do this will result in your contracts being terminated and you won't be able to publish any music or any creative work for the next 10 years.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

My first instinct was to laugh. My second was to look at the date on my phone - 7th of April - okay so it wasn't April fool's day but jokes were meant for all year round right? But as my laughter began to die out I became increasingly aware of the silence surrounding me. Everyone with the exception of David and Natasha were looking at me with pure disgust. Noah stood up, his chair making an obnoxious screech. He barged passed me, his shoulder almost knocking me to the floor and just before he walked out the door he turned around to look at me one last time. His eyes were cold, burning with hatred.
'I hate you'
And he walked out.

I turned around to face the rest of the room. David was looking everywhere but me. It seemed as if hours has passed till Nate finally spoke up.
'You can't blame him, poor guy has to marry you.'
I just about died. I looked towards Natasha for support but even she was refusing to look me in the eye. David awkwardly cleared his throat and signalled me to walk towards him.
'The wedding is in two weeks, you can choose your maid of honour' Oh cause that makes everything better. 'And what if I don't agree to this?'
'You better! Noah's life is already ruined because of you, don't make it worse! Nate yelled. Wow, he really hates me. Maybe he's bitter cause his name's Nate Tate.

I guess I didn't really have a choice. If Noah couldn't make music then his entire family band would collapse, he was kinda the main attraction. And besides, I had just gotten a record deal and technically it was just like an acting role. We could still see other people - we'd just have to be careful.
'Where do I sign?'

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote - Celeste xx

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