Boss Battle Part 1

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Time passed since last: one week

"Now!" Anthony yells. I throw my sword and he catches it as he jumps, flipping in the air like an acrobat. The monster we were fighting, best known as a chimera, was a real pain in the ass.

It had the head of a goat, a lion, a dragon, and a snake for a tail. It's body was mostly lion-like, but it had dragon wings which made it very deadly. We already wounded the chimera's wings and cut off both the goat head and the lion head, so we had to deal with a really pissed off dragon-snake-thing.

Of course, since it was pouring blood all over the street, it was going to be easy to finish the job.

Anthony lands on the back of the chimera and dodges the snake's head, ready to attack the dragon. I activate my Rage and immediately I feel a boost in strength.

I run at the chimera, the dragon now focusing on me. It lets out a blast of fire and I continue to run, the fire swirling around my body. If I didn't have the Avatar skill, I'd be pretty crispy right now.

I release the fire I had taken from the dragon back at it with double the force and anger. Anthony jumps off the chimera with the snake's head in his hand as the flames engulf the monster. It let's out a howl, the fire burning the non-dragon-like body.

I stop and Anthony walks by, swinging the snake's head around like it was a toy. "That was fun, wasn't it?" He grins, throwing the head away. The moment it hit the ground, it was engulfed by flames.

"You almost died three times." I respond, crossing my arms.

"You see? That was the fun part! Always gotta love a bit of action." Anthony laughs, then suddenly becomes serious. "That wasn't even the strongest thing in Arizona though."

"Then what could be worse?" I question, interested in what Anthony is about to say.

"Each state has its own monster. Sometimes based on Mythical creatures or sometimes made up by the Admin." He explains, holding his golden staff.

"Alright then, what does Arizona have?" I ask him.

He grins as he answers. "Well, let's start with a well known legend: the chupacabra. An alien thing that looks like a dog and kills other animals. Pretty dangerous if you know where to find them."

"The chupacabra? That's a boss? Let's go for something a little more dangerous." I respond, causing Anthony to become serious again.

"Then you are after La Llorona, the weeping woman. In Aztec legend, she drowned her kids in spite of her husband, but began to regret her actions. She can be found next to the Salt River or Gila River, depending on whatever is closest. Usually, you can find her easiest at Saguaro Lake. It will be a little hike, but I have an idea." He grins, placing his hands at his waist.

"Alright... Your plan is what?" I ask him.

"We need to hunt a dragon, not just some part of the chimera." He answers me.

"There are dragons in this game? Dude, that's fricken awesome!" I respond.

"Yeah, until it tries to take your head off. Come on, the last known location where I saw a dragon was near the Tucson International Airport." He explains, walking south. I sigh and follow him, knowing that we will probably be attacked by both players and monsters along the way.

Two in-game hours later...

"I told you rules don't apply when you are in this world! We ran through everyone's property and didn't get yelled at once! Wanna know why?" Anthony asks, before answering his own question, "because they all are frozen in time!"

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