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I jump out of my vehicle and I enter my house before texting Darren again.

So what now? -Nathaniel

Both Kiyoko and I will be outside in the Hidden World. Meet us there and we will talk. -Darren

I cover my ring and silence envelops the world around me. I step outside my house and I see the man in black and red along side the woman who had taunted me in Tokyo. "Hello, Nathaniel." Kiyoko says, not removing her mask.

Her mask was a deep shade of red with gold stripes running down vertically. She also seemed to be wearing something a rouge/infiltrator character would wear.

"Thank goodness you got here." He says, before I raise my hand.

"How the hell do you guys know where I live?" I question them, someone putting their arm around me.

"You've had some pretty fun filled days, haven't ya Nathaniel?" Anthony says, smirking.

"Well, that explains it." I sigh, Anthony letting go of me. "Okay, so what's the issue here?" I ask the three of them.

"So far, the God of Lightning is calling a truce for the time being. Just that should be enough to make you wonder what's happening." Kiyoko explains.

"There have been rumors that players are being kidnapped in this world, along with their actual life bodies. Being in this world is already dangerous, but if a player can track your actual body... It's just not a good thing." Darren says, crossing his arms.

"Do we have any ideas about who might be doing the kidnapping then? The guy or guys in charge of the disappearances?" I ask.

"Not a clue, but we have a meeting to attend to." Anthony says, throwing me a scroll. "Alyssa's already there, so let's get moving. I don't like the idea of her being with those assholes for a split second." He says, disappearing in a flash of red light.

I grumble to myself for a second, but I eventually open the scroll. Red fills my vision and I find myself standing in the middle of a colosseum. "Hello again, King." The God of Lightning's voice booms.

"I'm not here to play games. Show yourself." I growl, lightning striking down in front of me. Not only that, a pillar of fire, a geyser of water, and a chunk of Earth surround the God of Lightning. The other gods appear from their designated magical abilities.

"We have much to discuss." The God of Fire says, looking at me. "You've grown in power. It's visible by just looking at you." He says.

"As much as I love compliments, we are here to talk about something else, correct?" I say, looking at the God of Lightning.

"That is correct, your majesty." The God of Lightning sneers. "Players have reported that groups of players have begun kidnapping players in this world. It wouldn't be an issue, other than the fact that their bodies in the real world are also disappearing at the same time."

"And so I've heard. Is this new, or has this happened before?" I ask, Zappy laughing after I say that.

"You sure are a blind King." He sighs, looking at me. I could almost make out an eye behind his mask, but I lost my focus. "It happens almost everyday. This world is evil, even I think so. The weak are preyed upon by larger groups. But this... this is massive. Multiple players afraid of even owning a ring." He says, my fist starting to hurt from clenching it so hard.

"How can you talk about something like this so calmly? What the hell do you mean it happens everyday?!" I yell at him, the God of Water putting up a hand.

"There are groups of players that hunt those types of people that use other humans as cargo. But when it comes to tracking them, your cosplay friend over there might be of help." He says, pointing at Kiyoko.

"What did you just say?" She growls, Darren holding her back.

"Well, you guys are going to also be working on this, right?" I question them, the God of Earth nodding.

"We don't just sit around wondering how we are going to kill you. We also have jobs in this world as well." He says, causing some anger to flare up inside of me.

I let it die down and I look around. "Where's my friend?" I ask, before realizing the four of them had vanished. Actually, all of them had vanished. Darren, Kiyoko, and Anthony had vanished from sight.

"And so another King rises from the ashes..." A voice says, echoing throughout the colosseum.

"I swear, everyone must be afraid of me or are trying to make a good entrance today." I mutter to myself. "Well, get out here and face me!" I yell, my voice echoing.

"Are you sure you want that? It will just lead to your death." The voice cackles.

At the last moment, I spin around and jump backward, dodging a sinister looking scythe. The Excalibur materializes and I face the man who decided to cosplay as Death.

"You're quick, I'll give you that. But you aren't exactly that good yet. You can't do anything against me." The man laughs.

I rush at him and he swings horizontally, causing me to hit the ground and slide under the weapon. I swing the Excalibur, expecting to hear the all so familiar sound of my sword tearing through their legs, but it never happens.

I jump back up and spin around, facing the mysterious man. "You cannot hurt me, King. I am like an actual god, nothing like those four idiots. I have the ability to change myself at will. You cannot defeat me."

"If there's a will, there's a way." I retort, the man chuckling under his skull mask.

"But there isn't a way. Your friend... what was her name? Alyssa? Yeah, her." He says, causing me to almost drop my sword. "I have her. If you think you have any chance at fighting me, you're wrong kiddo."

I launch myself at him, our weapons making contact. "Did I hit a nerve?" He laughs.

I jump backward and my Rage ability activates. "If you want to save her, take out the gods. Then, I'll see wether or not you're worthy to fight me." He says, fading into the ground.

"-ing? Hello? King?" I hear Anthony's voice. He goes to touch my shoulder and a blast of magic erupts from me, sending him flying into Darren. "What the hell?!" He yells at me.

"She's gone. They took her." I say, the four gods looking at me as if I was crazy.

"What are you talking about?" The God of Fire asks.

"The Lord of Shadows has my friend. And to get her back... I'm supposed to kill all of you." I say, anger flowing like a waterfall.

"You can't be serious." The God of Lightning laughs. "You couldn't even lay a finger on me."

"Then watch me." I growl, the ground beginning to shake.

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