Don't be scared

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Your POV

"I'm just so done Justin, we are together for 2 years, you say you love me, but yet when a girl shoves her boobs up your face you look like you want to fuck her. When those sluts ask you who I am to you, you tell them I am a FRIEND  A GODDAMN FRIEND" you shout while tears are streaming down your face. "but Friends don't kiss, don't fuck, don't make love, but I don't know what you see under friend. Because if that's your definition of a friend, I wonder how many 'friends' you have"

Justin was looking at you with guilt and sadness. "One" "huh? What do you mean" (no pun intended) "I just have one, and that's you, I don't need any other girl like I need you. I love you babygirl and that'll never change. I know I'm an ass and a douche for looking at other girls like that when you are In front of me with your amazing, and not fake may I add, body. I don't deserve you but you're still here with me. I love you but I can't do it like this anymore y/n"

You looked at him, with no emotion on your face, is he fucking with you now? Is he breaking up. "You better not say what I think you are saying Justin, cause I swear to everything holy if you are going to say what I think you are you will never see my face here again." He looked at you with tears in his eyes "maybe we should take a break".

You walked up to him and slapped him across his face, with tears streaming down your cheeks. He gasped and cupped his cheek. "Are you serious ARE YOU S-SERIOUS JUSTIN. YOU OF ALL PEOPLE SHOULD K-KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT B-BREAKS IN A R-RELATIONSHIP" you said while sobbing.

"T-they don't exist J-Justin, if you want a break, j-just break up with m-me, because I don't N-need to see you with other girls while we are apart. Knowing you are fucking them, holding them and kissing them like you do with me. I don't need a man whore as a boyfriend."

Justin took a step closer to you, and you took a step back, bumping into the wall as he came closer and you stood chest to chest, with no way out. He had put both his hands next to your shoulders. "Stop it y/n, you need to stop it. You know I love you right? So why question it" he said in a deep husky voice.

He raised his hand and you flinched away and put your hands in front of your face. He instantly took a step back but still stood close to you , you slowly lowered your hands and looked at him, he was looking down. With clenching fists he looked up, you could see the hurt swirling in his eyes. "You thought I was going to hit you didn't you" you didn't say anything. "I take that as a yes" he combed his hand frustrated trough his hair, "Damn it y/n you know I would never lay a hand on you, I wouldn't hurt you ever. I know you've been hurt before, I know that you hadn't had the best childhood." He sighed.

"See, this why we should take a break, you can't even trust me." You looked at him shocked. "I don't know you anymore" you said quietly. "You are not the Justin I know, Not my Justin. Because my Justin would never look at another girl, my Justin wouldn't do drugs, My Justin wouldn't accuse me of things I didn't do, My Justin would never ever believe the media over me. And he surely would never suggest breaking up when he tells me he loves me" you said with tears streaming down your face. "You are not the Justin I know" you looked at him, he still had his head down.

After a few minutes of heartbreaking silence, you spoke up. "If you want to go, I'll let you go. B- because w- when you love s- someone you'll let him go. A- and maybe he'll come b- back to you, although I don't think you'll ever w- will" you choked out and put your hand over your mouth and the teases started flowing. Sliding down the wall, you sat down on the floor in your living room and just cried your eyes out while Justin watched you.

Suddenly he started singing quietly

                                                                                     "Baby, I'm here, I'm here to stay
                                                                                               I ain't going nowhere
                                                                          I know you're scared cause you've been hurt
                                                                                                      Baby, it's alright"

Before you knew it he was in front of you on his knees, he grabbed your hands and pulled them way from your face. He gently grabbed your chin and raised your head. He looked you in the eyes.

"Lost in your eyes every time that you look in mine
I promise to be all that you need
I won't leave you, baby
No, cause I just wanna love you
I would never ever put nobody up above you"

He pulled you forward and you fell into his arms. He wrapped his hands around your waist and leaned down t your ear, continuing his singing.

I just wanna kiss you baby, I just wanna hug you till the end, baby till the end
And I'm right here, ain't nobody gotta hold you
Cause I'm right here, ain't nobody gon' control you
Cause I'm right, right here

You listened to the lyrics, and you were confused why would he say he wants to break up, but then sing a song like this. It doesn't make any sense.

"I'm right here, I'm right here, I'm right here, I'm right here"

When he finished the song he nuzzled his face in your neck, "I never wanted to hurt you y/n, I know I've changed and it wasn't for the better. But it's hard for me to open up to anyone, even you or my mom.

So I kept everything to myself and started smoking, cigarettes, cannabis, and whatnot. But I was very wrong to do so. Because I should've realized that it made me an ass and a complete idiot. I was a conceited bastard to you and everybody else. I acted like a dick, looking at other girls when you are in front of me, naturally beautiful, everything a guy wishes for in a girl, you are kind, prett, funny, and I am proud to call you mine.

But as always I fucked up big time. Because during all this shit I lost you without knowing. And I'm sorry for that babygirl, I'm sorry" he finished. And a few tears escaped your eyes. You felt something wet hit your neck, and you knew that he was crying too.

"Then why did you suggest breaking up?" You said in a whisper. "We are together since I was 16 and you were 18. Now I'm 18 and you're almost 20. I thought we'd be in this all together, we talked about our problems and solved them. It was us against the world. Now it's you and me against each other."

"I'm not good to you y/n, I don't treat you right and as my princess you deserve the best. And I thought tat ur I couldn't do that for you, someone else maybe could. And it would hurt me so much to see you with another guy. But if you would be happy I'd accept it."

"I don't want anyone but you Justin, I never wanted anyone but you. And I'm never going to want anyone but you. There's only one Justin for me, and he's mine in this world."

Justin's arms left your waist and he cupped your cheeks with his hands. He lifted your head and you looked him in the eyes.

"I love you y/n, I love you so much it hurts" he said and he lowered his mouth on yours, your lips brushed his and you could feel the tingles. He pushed his lips on yours and kissed you softly, letting you feel the love. He licked your lower lip asking for entrance and you granted it, parting you lips, letting his tongue slide in. You battled for dominance but he won anyway. You tugged at the hair at the back of his neck and after a while of kissing you pulled away.

"I love you too Justin"

Not edited
Word count; 1436

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