The Journey

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"Two, one, five!" Boromir half-shouts as he drills Merry and Pippin in the proper way of using a sword. They have one each from Aragorn still. "Good! Very good." He turns to the second hobbit and says. "Two, one, five."

"Move your feet!" Aragorn advises as he sits smoking comfortably on a rock.

"Got good Pippin." Merry tells him.

"Thanks." He speaks cheerfully.

"Faster! Two, one, five!"

"Hey Merry!" Avalon calls out. "Don't hold you hand in so much. If you hold your hand out more than it would make it more balance." She calls out to him.

"If anyone was asking my opinion , which I know they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way round! Gandalf, we could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome." He informs the wizard.

"No, Gimli. I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice." Avalon glances at Gandalf before looking back out at the sky.

"So, Ava-

"I go by Falcon." Avalon interrupts the elf. "Only Aragorn and Arwen call me Avalon." She speaks, cutting the elf off.

"Right... So how long have you known Aragorn?" Legolas asks the ranger.

"My parents died when I was 7. Got killed by Orcs. He found me, saved me, and taught me to be a Ranger." She says as she sharpens her sword.

"I'm sorry." Legolas says surprising Avalon and causing her to look up at him.

"Thanks." She says to which he simply nods. "But don't go apologizing. It was awhile ago." Avalon adds, shrugging him off, something she did often when she was in a strange situation that she wasn't used to.

"Move your fee." Merry then begins to move his feet, but then Boromir has cut Merry's arm slightly. Merry hisses in pain and then kicks Boromir. Avalon smirks as she watches him yelp as Merry booted his leg. Both Pippin and Merry begin attacking Boromir who just lay laughing on the ground at the two try to hurt him. Avalon frowns as she sees he isn't getting hurt.

"Not the best of men, is he?" Legolas asks causing Avalon to give a sad smile.

"No, his type is what brings such bad names on my kind." She tells him, causing Legolas to frown and jump up on some rocks as he looks out to the distant at something. Avalon hops up beside him. She can see a black patch in the sky, but she knows it is no cloud.

"What is that?" Sam asks as he too notices it.

"Nothing it's just a whiff of a cloud." Gimli says with a shrug, but Avalon's eyes widen when she sees what it truly is.

"That is no cloud. We need to take cover now!" She yells as she jumps off.

"Its moving fast... against the wind." Aragon seems to have realizes the threat and grabs the hobbits.

"Go now! All of you take cover!" He yells.

"Cerbain, from Dunland." Legolas warns as he grabs Avalon's arm. Avalon will have kill him for touching her if he hasn't dragged her somewhere safer.

"Hide!" Aragon yells. Legolas covers Avalon's frame as they hide inside a little cave formed by a few boulders. It isn't deep, but deep enough for both to hide together in, and it isn't that tall, so Legolas has to keep his head down. This means his head is close to Avalon, who is presses against the back of the small cave.

Both remains quiet, press up against each other, both breathing shallow from fear. When they hear the birds leave, Avalon pushes Legolas back harshly, causing him to hit his head. "If you ever touch me again, you'll be dead." She growls.

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