Chapter 1: Lost

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Outfit in pic. ^

I woke up in the woods feeling broken and depressed. Where were they? Where did they go? My father, my brothers, my twin sister all gone. I looked around, not knowing where I was. Then I looked on the ground next to me and there was a girl curled up. She had been crying but must have fallen asleep. I picked her up and walked in the direction of voices, hoping they would help her.

I broke past the edge of the woods we were in and they looked relieved, a man took the girl from me thanking me for finding her. I just nod my head, not able to speak. I feel everyone staring at me, wondering who I was. ' What is she?' a tanned, muscular man thought. I look at him and project my thoughts 'I am Alex, who are you?'

He looks at me and thinks about how he heard me but my lips had not moved. "My name is Sam," he said, looking at me like he was waiting for me to talk back. I signed Alex to him and a woman said what I had signed. "My name is Rose. Are you alright? You seem lost." I looked down at my shoes and when I looked back up she had reached her hand out so I took it. She pulled me into a hug, telling me it was going to be okay.

Before I realized it a loud sob came out. I was crying so hard everyone who was close put a hand on my shoulder and tried to calm me down. When I had no tears left I looked at Sam and he looked at me with soft eyes. "Come on, lets get you warmed up." He pulled me into a hug then picked me up bridal style, taking me heaven knows where. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm being put down on a couch and covered up.

When I woke up Sam was asleep on the floor and the moon was starting to set. "Hi Alex. My name is Emily," a young girl with scars on her face said. I got up carefully, trying not to wake Sam. Which was actually easy as he was snoring loud enough to wake the dead. I sat down at the table with Emily, I signed paper and pencil to her so I could write to her since I couldn't talk. She left and came back with a pad of paper and a few pencils. 'Where am I?' I wrote.

"La Push reservation at mine and Sam's house. He brought you here after you had found Bella. Which Charlie said thank you again." I made an "o" with my mouth. 'Is she going to be ok?' "Yes she'll be fine, physically that is. Emotionally she's broken. The love of her life up and left with not a word. She just needs some time." I nod, hoping I can see her again to make sure she is ok. 'What is Sam?' I write knowing he was not human. She stared at me, not knowing what to say. 'I know he's not human because I am not human.'

Sam wakes up, looking around for me. When he sees me with Emily, he walks over and looks at what I wrote. "Werewolf" he says simply. I nod, putting the pencil down and standing up. They look at me, questioning what I was going to do. 'I have to go. My family has disappeared and I have to find them,' I wrote looking at them, tears threatening to spill. They both looked distraught, thinking there are more of me. 'I can hear your thoughts,' I looked at them and they looked apologetic.

I turned and walked out the door, Sam catching up in 2 big steps. "Do you even know what state you're in?" he asked me. 'Yes. Washington.' I project to him. "Where are you from?" 'Westchester, New York.' "That's all the way across the country!?!?!" he yelled. 'We were vacationing in the mountains. Rented a cabin and hunted for food. I must have wandered off.' With that I walked away.

I made my way towards the mountains, hoping I remembered where the cabin was. Sam jogged up to me with a few other boys in tow. I turned away from them and continued walking. "Alex wait," Sam yelled to me, but I didn't stop I had to find my family. Sam grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around. The other boys were gone replaced by huge wolves. I didn't pay much attention to them. I looked at Sam ready to scream at him when his jaw dropped. I turned around to see what caused his jaw to drop and mine dropped as well.


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