Chapter 8: Embry and Sami

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The next day:

Sami's POV: With Embry phasing I was nervous to say the least. Alex had already met him so she wasn't as nervous but she was still a little nervous. We are so close with the rest of the pack but with a new member, it could change the dynamics. Don't get me wrong I'm okay with the pack getting bigger but I like the way things are, now that everything has somewhat settled between Alex and Paul. I'm afraid that the wound will open back up and all the pain will come flooding back. I felt all the pain Alex went through and it almost killed us both. Luckily we got through it and although things are awkward, we're at a good place.

Sam assured us everything would be good because he already explained everything to Embry and he had already unofficially met Alex. So when he walks in we happily get up to meet him. "Embry I'd like you to officially meet our unofficial pack mates Alex and Sami." Sam announces, as they walk into the living room. Embry looks at Alex then me and what happens is both heart warming and heart breaking.

As soon as our eyes meet, I know what is happening and so does everyone else. He imprints on me and to make matters worse, Paul walks in from being on patrol. Complete shock and sadness radiates off him in waves.'I'm going to go on patrol now,' Alex projects, sadness and happiness swirling together. "I'll come too," I state, following her out. "Are you okay Alex?" I ask, quietly. She just nods her head, happiness for me taking over. "You don't have to hide your sadness with me. I can still feel it and I want you to know that its okay to feel sad. I don't blame you for being sad," I say, not looking her way.

'Sami, I'm so happy for you. You found your soul mate, your forever. I wish you all the happiness in the world with Embry. I am sad but I don't want that to ruin your happiness. Now go back and talk to that handsome man you'll one day, hopefully, call your husband. But not too soon because I am going to have to have the talk with him first.' We both laugh at the last part, knowing it would be something along the lines of empty threats and hugging it out.

She sends me back and I excitedly walk-run back to the house. When I walk in Embry looks up at me with a goofy grin that makes him look even cuter. "I don't think I got the chance to formally introduce myself before, I'm Embry Call," he says, looking at me adoringly. "Samantha Xavier, but everyone calls me Sami." Everyone is either on patrol or watching tv in the other room, so we sit down at the kitchen table to get to know each other.


Alex's POV: I've been up for a few days straight, afraid to go to sleep. The evil man haunts my dreams and I've reverted to the habits I have after going through a trauma. When I was set on fire they had to put me in a medically induced coma because the burns were that bad. I had non-stop nightmares the entire time and when I came out of it, I didn't sleep for days. When I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer someone had to lay with me because I would move around so violently that I'd rip my bandages off.

After I came home from being kidnapped and tortured I reverted to not sleeping again. The nightmares had gotten so bad that Logan spent every night watching over me for months. He slept during the day and made sure I slept at night. Now I'm back to not sleeping and Logan is no where to be found.

I've spent all my time roaming around in search of Logan, pushing my mind to its limits to call out to him. Having no luck in finding him and drinking enough coffee and energy drinks to keep me up for weeks, I finally relent and lay in bed. Tonight is going to be a long night. With that I drift off into a nightmare filled slumber, waking every few hours covered in sweat and tears staining my face.


Paul's POV: I've noticed that Alex was doing everything in her power to avoid sleeping. She's been waking up crying and I hear it, wanting to comfort her but not knowing how. Or if she even wants me to. I was so terrible to her and after all she went through, then with Sami and Embry and all the wounds ripping open. I just want to comfort her.

The next morning, I watch Alex closely, knowing she wont tell any one whats going on. 'Stop staring, creeper,' she projects, laughing slightly. "I'm not staring, shorty. You just got something right here," I say, taking a piece of my muffin and smashing it in her face. She laughs and takes her whole muffin and smashes it in my face. Picking up pieces that fall off my face, I start to throw them at her. She dodges a few that hit other people and it starts a huge food fight.

All of us are laughing until Emily walks in with Sam, only for her to smash a muffin in his face restarting the food fight. Alex looks at me, a sweet smile on her face, 'thank you.' I throw a smirk at her, "for starting a food fight?" She laughs shaking her head, 'no hothead, for reminding me its okay to laugh and have fun with everything thats going on.' For the first time since I imprinted, I see that she's starting to really forgive me and she might actually let me in.

"Well, we need fun every now and then, speaking of were having a bonfire tonight if you want to come," I implore, hoping she says yes. She thinks it over for a minute, 'I'd love to but only if I can go cliff diving with you guys tomorrow. I overheard Jared and Embry talking about it earlier and I want to join in on the fun.' She bargained, mischief dancing in her eyes. I nod, excited to spend more time with her.


Alex's POV: After cleaning up our food fight, we have everyone go out back so Sami and I can show off our abilities. Everyone excitedly runs outside and sits in the open field behind the house. Sami speaks for us so I don't have to try to project to everyone, it takes a lot out of me. "So most of you probably know that Alex copies others abilities, so she has a lot more than I do. But I'm going to start, explain everything, and answer any questions. So, to start we were both born with fire, water, and telekinesis and I was born with being able to feel others emotions and being able to create a force field," Sami says, while we demonstrate the fire and water together and she creates a force field around us. "Any questions?" she asks, pausing.

"If Alex can copy abilities does she feel others emotions and create a force field?" Paul asks, slightly nervous. "Yes but she doesn't use either very often. She has abilities that she doesn't use or hasn't learned to control. She doesn't get to choose if she copies an ability but she chooses if she wants to learn to control certain abilities better. Any other questions?" Sam speaks up this time, "how many abilities does she have?" Sami looks at me then back at Sam, "we've lost count because we grew up around a lot of other mutants and she shares all of their abilities. As well as traveling, we've met other mutants and vampires and shes copied from them too." All the guys look at each other and Paul speaks up again. "Have you met the Cullen's?" he asks, spitting out their name as if it were acid.

"Yes, we actually came out this far for Carlisle. He's been Alex's doctor since we were 10," she states, hesitant. 'He saved my life after I was almost burned to death and again after being tortured,' I project, while looking at the ground. Everyone but Sami was dumbfounded by this. "Why didn't you tell us?" Paul asks, shaking slightly. 'I knew your hatred for them and I knew they had left,' I project, looking at Paul. 'He saved my life on two occasions and he continues to save my life. The burns and torture did so much damage that I was in and out of the hospital for months. I had such horrible nightmares that I either had to be restrained or have someone sleep with me because I'd rip my bandages off in my sleep.'

Everyone looks at me with sadness, 'don't look at me like that.' Sami speaks up, "she doesn't like being pitied, she made it through all of it and we're grateful to Carlisle. I almost lost my best friend, my other half and if it makes you angry that hes the one who did it, I just simply don't care. He's her guardian angel and I'm so glad hes been here through it all. Whether you like it or not, he'll always be here for her," Sami fumed, walking over and pulling me into a hug. "I'd be lost without you, Summer," she whispers, using her nickname for me. 'I'd be lost without you too, Autumn.'

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