Chapter 9: Bonfires and cliff diving

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Night of the bonfire:

Alex's POV: I'm skipping the bonfire tonight, not wanting to face everyone. Paul seemed so angry about Carlisle, I don't blame him but it's not going to change Carlisle being my doctor. I hear everyone outside talking around the fire. I told Sami to go spend time with Embry, they are perfect for each other and I'm so happy for her. 

Up in my room, spread out across my bed and staring at my phone. My father gave it to me when we found him, I had left it at the cabin. I had a lot of missed calls from Sami, Logan, and my father, a few from my best friend, Harley, and a few from other family and friends. I decide to text Harley to let her in on what's going on.

To: Baby Girl<3

Hey baby girl! I'm sorry I haven't answered your calls, its a long story but I can't talk on the phone. Lost my voice but I can text.

I put my phone down next to me and wait for a reply. My phone buzzes and I hesitate before picking it up.

From: Baby Girl<3

ALEXANDRIA MARIE XAVIER!!!! What the heck is going on? I got a phone call months ago saying you were gone and then heard nothing. Tell me everything.

I hate that she knows my full name. As I type my response to her, there's a knock at my door. 'Come in,' I project, not looking up from my phone. "Hey shorty. Can we talk?" Paul asks, standing in the doorway. I text Harley that I have company but will explain as soon as they leave. 'Still mad at me?' I ask, hesitant to let him in. He sighs, rubbing the nape of his neck. "Of course I'm not mad. He saved your life and although my sworn enemy, I'm grateful he did. He brought you here and I was able to meet you. You're family, shorty and we are all grateful for everything he's done. I'm sorry I got so mad, I hope you can forgive me," he says, looking everywhere but me. 

'Paul?' he looks at me, his eyes showing his guilt. 'I forgive you, for everything. Don't beat yourself up, please. It's giving you wrinkles, creeper,' I joke, trying to lighten the mood. He chuckles, "I'm still sexy with these wrinkles though, shorty." He winks at me, making me laugh. 'If you say so, creeper,' I say, laughing harder. 

After our laughter dies down, he looks at me, "still going cliff diving with us tomorrow?" I nod my head, 'of course I am, creeper. Gotta show you wolf boys how to do it.' He laughs, "oh, really? Coming from the girl whose never gone before." We laugh and my phone buzzes. 'I gotta text my friend. She's been worried about me,' I project, not wanting him to leave. 'Stay, please,' I look down, he pulls my face up. "Of course, anything for you," he says, love in his eyes.


The next morning:

Paul's POV: I wake up cuddled up with Alex. We stayed up most of the night just talking, getting to know each other. She was texting her friend, so I asked her about them. She told me that she was actually apart of the tribe, but moved away because she wanted to explore the world. They had met years ago and hit it off right away. When I asked her name, I was shocked to find out it was Harleen. She had been a close friend before she up and left, I never knew what happened to her. 

I sneak out of Alex's room and head downstairs for breakfast, already having smelt bacon and eggs cooking. All the guys are already at the table, "so did you make up?" Jared asks. I nod and sit down, waiting for food to be put in front of us.


Alex's POV: I wake up to the smell of bacon, stretching out and realize something is missing. Or someone, Paul. I wander towards the smell, figuring he had already gone down for breakfast. When I sit down Paul looks towards me, "good morning." I look up and tiredly project, 'morning. Is there coffee?' He chuckles, "yes and your favorite creamer is stocked up." I smile at him lazily and get up to make myself a cup.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2017 ⏰

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