4. The Valg Princess pt 1

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These next 4 parts are all going to be the same story. I wrote it in the course of one day. I kept hearing Rowan yelling at me in my brain to bring Aelin back and to finish the story and it was really annoying. (BTW no, I don't have schizophrenia, I'm just weird).

She was a doll. A broken, helpless doll. He'd heard everything that Arobynn said. Everything that went on behind that door. On the carriage ride back, Aelin, his Aelin, sat like a statue, her face emotionless. She'd told him she would, as a show for Arobynn's people, but she was beginning to worry him. They got to her apartment. She obediently followed them in. Rowan looked into Aelin's eyes. This had to have been her plan all along. In a moment, she would take off the ring and be herself again. Minutes passed. Aelin sat motionless in her chair. She didn't even sit like herself. Rowan got up and reached for Aelin's hand, the one with the ring. She shrieked, and pulled away from him, baring her teeth. Rowan went white. He looked over at Aedion, and saw a mirrored expression.

"No," he whispered. "No, no, no, no, no, no." He just stared at the demon in Aelin's body. He twitched when Aedion put a hand on his shoulder. 

"We should get some sleep."


"She would tell you to. She will tell you to."

"I don't care." 

Aedion yanked at him. "We will find a way to save her."

Rowan turned to face the other man. He laughed, the same dead laugh Aelin had laughed on the day she snapped. His voice was hollow. "No Aedion. You don't get it. She's dead."

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