Our Love Will Be Forever

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~Sky's POV~

So it's been about three years since me and Jess have started dating and we are both either in college or university even though we don't need to learn any more random stuff since we both have a job but we need a degree just as a fall back plan because that would be hectic if we didn't but who cares and recently I've bought a house for me to live in and well i might ask Jess to move in with me when she is older and is 18 like i am or should i wait till she is 18 1/2 because why not!?

~Aphmau's POV~

Gosh okay i have survived highschool and now in college and it's my last year in there WHOO FINALLY but still it was hard staying out of Sissy's (i forgot her name XD) claws all the way through the years though but i did and if anything she brought me and Adam even closer than we were already so I've got tot thank her on that note but other times I just want to rip her head off but obviously I can't but i have tried......Yeah I'm saying it I have tried......It almost worked.....Almost......BUTTTTTT heh butt some cute couples did form like Shelby and Max and they are ADORABLE! And yeah some other ones did form but can't be bothered to name them now since I'm studying so better get back to that!

~Time skip~
So it has been one full hour that i will NEVER get back of studying god i wish i was in uni so i would only get like three or four days of school like that would be awesome but hey i got a text of Adam hmm let's see what it says
Xx The Conversation xX

Adam 💕: Hey Jess you wanna record and maybe meet up later today for a date or something because that would be awesome! 😘

Jessadork 😜: sure i would love to record with you and go on a date it would be awesome like honestly who wouldn't want to go on a date with THE Skydoesminecraft!?! 😘

Adam 💕: cool and don't worry it's just a casual date keeping it a mystery tho and I'll ask the rest of the guys if they want to record too! And come on I'm not that special! 😘 Xxx

Jessadork 😜: uhhhh yes, yes you are because you are my one and only! 😍 Xxx

Adam 💕: awwwwww that's so sweet and your my one and only too! 😍😍😘😘 Xxx

Jessadork 😜: 😍😍😘😘 Xxx

Xx End of Conversation xX

YAY NEW RECORDING SESSION WITH DA BOY and i hope its do not laugh! Because maybe I have a certain story up my sleeve (wink wink nudge nudge)!

Oh look at that a Skype call from them now they must of agreed! WHOO!

Xx Skype Call xX

Jessadork 😜: sooooooooooooo what are we recording????

JinBop 🤓: do not laugh!


Adam💕:Should we be scared yes or no?

YourPalRoss🐿: oh no we are screwed.....

Adam💕: yup we sure are.......

(its that one ^^^^)

~Time skip till after they recorded the video~
Jessadork😜: oky that was fun see a guys soon?
🤓💕🐿: yeah see you soon!

Xx skype Call Ends xX

So we have recorded the video and well they laughed really hard at my story  midnight a better story than twilight heh but yeah i might aswell get ready for mine and Adams date ya know its pretty soon oh wait he didnt tell me when it is *bing* hmm oh it's mah phone!

Xx Texts xX
Adam 💕: sorry i forgot to tell you when it is it's at 8:00 annd it's 7:30 right now so you have time to get ready since it's only a little casual date nothing fancy!😘

Jessadork😜: okay thank you 💞 😘 

Xx Texts End xX

right umm yeah the clothes part wont take too long but the make up that takes a while like come on does he think i can do it in thirty seconds, no i cant it takes at least 10 mins but that is not including hair... man it should at least take me up to 25 mins if im quick......

~ A few mins later~

okay done whoo that was stressful i even managed a shower as well so that was great so i wonnt be smelly for our date because that would be super embarrassing imagine being smelly in front of your  date well at least it isn't our first one but then again still embarrassing either way but the first date would be a little bit more that the 6th date.....

(she is wearing that ^^^)
*ding dong*
oh that must be him well it is exactly 8 so well done Adam you weren't late this time

~Sky's POV~

okay I'm on my way now to Jess's  house now god i hope she is ready i didn't give her much time to get a shower   unless she was really quick......why am I thinking about this? i dunno but I'm parking out side of Jess's house now i just hope she is ready don't have to wait long because we have the perfect spot for our date and i don't want it to be too late and too dark when we get there because that would ruin it wouldn't it?

i go up to the door and knock on it a couple of times and its not long till Jess answers it looking stunning like all ways
"Hi Jess, looking gorgeous like all ways" i complement her and she blushes
"hi Adam and thank you, your not looking to shabby yourself"  she remarks
"well then should we get going?" i ask while holding out my arm out for her like a gentleman
"yes, we shall" she says grabbing her purse, closing the door and taking my arm and we start walking to the car.

I take me and Jess to the hill which is dimly lighted by the moonlight and it is where i have set up the picnic (is that how you spell it?)  for me and Aph to eat but obviously i have​ it covered so the flies and what not don't get to it first....

when we arrive i hear Aph gasp and say "oh Adam its lovely thank you" I feel so happy that she loves it i would be really upset if she didn't since I did spend quite a long time on setting it up well i wouldn't be really upset i would just be disappointed instead.
"I'm glad that you like it, it took me a while to set up but i got it done..." I say nervously while rubbing the back of my neck "oh i also hope you like the flowers and the little fairy lights i was told you like them..." I also say nervously
"Oh Adam it's wonderful, honestly i love it" she says while making me look at her with her index finger and thumb and pecking me on the lips (help I'm on the school bus and i don't like the person next to me)  after that we just sit down and enjoy the picnic i made for the both of us

I'm really glad Jess loved the food that i made for the picnic otherwise I would be screwed......

So we ate the food, chatted and had fun and then it was too late to do anything else so i just took Jess home. We soon arrived at her house and just before she went in i gave her a quick kiss and said
"I love you Jess don't you forget that." With our foreheads touching
"I love you to Adam, our love will be forever" she sweetly replied
"Yeah forever" then i gave her a soft but passionate kiss......

~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°The End ~°~°~°~°~°~°~°~°


And that is it my friends the finale of this book sorry it took so long it was alot to think of but hey i got there and you have it to read before you very own eyes! And i would like to say thank you to those who read this from the very beginning from when it came out and stuck with me untill now it really does mean alot so thank you so so so much! And for the last time for awhile remember

~Stay Awesome Peoples!


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