Chapter 2

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"Hey honey", My dad says.
"Hi", I say a little sadder than i intended. He doesn't comment on my tone but instead puts a plate of pancakes in front of me and i immediately turns my frown upside down.
"Thanks dad", I smile and he returns the smile kissing my forehead and wishing me luck on my first day while he leaves for work a little earlier than me.
"Hell yeah! My last year at this damn school", my brother says as he turns off him car in the parking lot.
"Yeah unlike me", i say.
He just laughs and says ,"Two more years for you little sis"
I sigh and get out of the car and luckily i find the group of my friends in the front of the school. i am relieved that i don't have to roam the halls looking for them.
i don't realize every one is looking at me until one of my brothers friends named Zack says,"Lookin good Maddie." and i immediately start blushing and hurry my way to my friends. I kept turning around to make sure no one was still looking at me from the parking lot until i run into Josh White only the hottest guy in school. He has blonde hair and brown eyes and is tall. A total bad boy.
"Omg i am so sorry!" i say as i watch paper fly from his hands onto the floor. They are all the same papers but just copies on one another. The one word i read out of all the papers is party.
"Its nothing really", he says and we both bend down to grab papers but instead bump heads. Talk about embarrassing!
We both let out a minor ouch until we both pick up all the papers and i hand them to him.
"Thanks", he smiles and stops me by the arm as i was about to walk past him "Wait i need to give you one"
"Why? I don't drink and I saw it said it was a senior party so I'm sure people don't want me there" i almost laugh
He still hands me a flier and says ,"Well if anyone gives you any trouble just find me" before he winks at me and then walks away. I almost laugh at him because i know how much a flirt he is and his long reputation of being a player but instead i just walk to my group of friends who I'm sure saw my whole conversation with Josh because their mouths are open and all looking at me and then the flier. This conversation should be interesting.

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