Chapter 6

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After getting home I set my Rebel and new car keys on my desk then I finally jump on my bed and open my lab top. I check my Instagram only to complain about everyone posting selfies and putting #itsFriday. Not necessary, especially because it reminds me of that horrible Rebecca Black song. Vibrations are going off in my bag and i automatically know who it is, Brooke.

"Hello", I say after I pick up

"Are you going to open your door i have been knocking for like ever"

"I don't think my door is locked"

"Yeah your front door is or why would i be calling you to open it"

"Ok ok! I'll be down right now" I hang up and run down stairs to open the door and find Brooke sitting in her car. 

I stand in the doorway until she sees me and starts laughing and finally gets out of her car with a make-up bag and a dress on a hanger.

"Seriously i knew my front door wasn't locked!"

"I know but wasn't that a good exercise going down stairs?" she says and then starts laughing, "But since you're down here anyway will you carry my make-up bag upstairs?"

"What else do i have to live for?" I sarcastically state and roll my eyes while grabbing the make-up bag from her when she walks through the doorway.

"Are we getting ready in the bathroom or your room?" she asks as we reach the top of the stairs.

"We?" i ask confused 

"Yes we as in me and you duh?"

"Yeah Im not going to the party with you" 

"Um yeah you are. What else are you going to do tonight?" Brooke says while putting her dress in my closet

"Well I might have plans with Leon. We are only hanging out as-"

"Woah what?" Brooke says "No Josh invited you in person so you need to come"


"No buts about it you are going" she says

I really thought about it and i kinda wanted to go but i also didn't want to ditch any prior plans i had. Well me and Leon don't really have plans do we? I mean what is the worst that could happen right? So i will try this party scene out.

"Ok fine but under one condition!" I say

"And that is?"

"If i for any reason have a drink we are not leaving Josh's house because i don't want to get in a dangerous situation"

"Deal, not lets go get you lookin sexy for Josh" she squeals


"Are you sure this is the right address?" I ask Brooke double checking what the flier says and what i typed into my navigation system.

"Cars parked along the entire road, loud music, people every where. Most definitely. Come on park and lets get this party started!"

Around the corner I finally find a parking spot ironically in front of Leon's hostess home. We walk up to the house and I knock on the front door the same time Brooke just opens the door and i feel really stupid for thinking someone could hear my knock over this loud song. We walk in the door and all i see around me are girls with to little clothing and red solo cups every where.

"Oh look who came" I hear someone say and i turn around to see who it is and it is none the less than Josh. He looks even better than he did as school today. 

"Um hi" I manage to say after finally ripping my eyes from his body

He just smirks and walks away. He is so confusing honestly i thought he would say something like "Glad you came" or something but obviously not.

It wasn't hard killing time mingling around with my brothers friends who are like family to me while Brooke went and got drunk off her butt. I finally got tired and went to find her with some senior names Nate who had a horrible reputation of playing girls.

"Ok time to go" i said while picking Brooke up and keeping her stable with my arm under her arms.

"Ok byyye Natee" Brooke slurs

"Bye cutie. Text me soon" he smiles. How creepy he acts sends chills down my spin.

We finally get to my house and I carry Brooke to my room quietly hoping not to wake anyone in the house. I lay Brooke on my bed and she passes out instantly. I go to check the time on my phone when i realize I have 10 missed calls from a number not in my contacts. Who ever it is I am not going to call them unless i know who it is.

*Who is this?*

I change into pj's until i check my phone again and sure enough they replied

*It's Josh*

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