Gold Digger.

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"Um...Kaiba?" Ryo asked, his large eyes staring at the floor as he fidgeted nervously. He and Kaiba had been living together for the past week, Mokuba thrilled at the discovery that his big brother did in fact have a heart and someone to share that heart with. Kaiba was in his office, typing a new script for his newest play. It was something about a castle, Ryo knew, but that was all Kaiba was giving away. Kaiba turned to Ryo, the annoyance in his eyes replaced by a soft fluttering, the kind of look one gave his adorable pet. Kaiba took his glasses off as he was no longer staring at a screen.

"I've told you to call me Seto," Kaiba giggled a little. "So for what reason am I graced by your presence today my dear?"

"Very funny," Ryo blushed, staring at the floor again. "Well Seto, I kind of have a favour to ask..."

"Oh?" Kaiba raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Um...could you give Mariku a job at the theatre?"

Mariku and Jou had moved to Domino to look for work once Jou had seen the opportunities. And of course, since Mariku was a producer it made sense that he would end up working in one of the KaibaCorp theatres. Ryo was just there to help speed the process along, since Mariku and Jou were having trouble paying the rent to live in Ryo's old apartment.

"Anything for you my little Ryo," Kaiba assured, tugging the smaller man forward by his wrist and brushing back the soft white bangs, chastely kissing Ryo's forehead. "Of course Mariku will get a job with me. Now work is in an hour, you don't want to be late do you?" Kaiba smirked. "Don't want to piss off your boss,"

"Shut up," Ryo mirrored the smirk, going back into their room to put on his work uniform, which appened to be a lot like his old school uniform, just a plain blue suit. He was the only male employee who wore it properly buttoned. Kaiba was wearing a wonderful white suit with golden patterns at the collar and down the front. Ryo loved it. It hugged the CEO's body in all the correct places, tailored perfectly to suit him. Kaiba was planning to buy Ryo a tailored outfit, but Ryo had refused. Kaiba put his glasses back on and printed the script. He snatched it up and put it in his briefcase, eager to leave and get to his theatre.

"Hey Ryo!" Mokuba exclaimed as he entered the room, covering his eyes with his hands too avoid any awkwardness while Ryo changed. "Big brother wants to make you play the main character!"

Ryo blinked, lowering his head sadly. "He does? But he just finished the script...there haven't even been auditions yet..."

"You hafta expect some special treatment. I mean, Kaiba lives with you!" Mokuba reminded. "Be happy. The acting scouts will notice you easier this way. You might make Hollywood playing a lead in all of Kaiba's plays!"

"Haha. Do all the Kaiba's share a talent for terrible jokes or is it just you two?" Ryo asked sarcastically, pulling Mokuba's hands down from his eyes now that he was changed. The smaller child smirked and shrugged. Kaiba's frustrated and booming voice echoed from the main room, and Ryo and Mokuba went rigid as Kaiba shouted them down for being late.

"My brother can be scary when he's in a hurry," Mokuba decided, Ryo nodding in accord.


Ryo got to the dressing room, exchanging small smiles with Bakura who was just loitering and waiting for something mildly interesting to happen. There hadn't been any reveal of what the new play was about yet, so nobody had anything to change into. They were all lounging around, wondering why Kaiba called them all in so early when there was nothing to be done for the first hour at least. Ryo put his bag down at the side, when he felt a strong hand grip his wrist. Ryo looked up, with large eyes full of concern and confusion at his assailant, a man he recognised as Keith, who always played a foreigner in the plays.

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