Just a collection of some art work mainly Undyrus but I can do infinite eyerolls and I will take other requests! I could do sketches or I can make the images on my tablet (that would take longer) but let me know if you would like anything!
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"Come on you HAVE to m-make the face otherwise it's pointless!"
"You know this completely goes against my carefree and humerus personality right?" Papyrus sighed, keeping his smirk plastered on his face.
Undyne put a hand to her chin. "A-as I recall, you wanted to be Levi."
"Well yeah Levi is awesome," Papyrus refuted, "besides I don't have the eyebrows to pull off Erwin. I knew you'd be Hanje, you've got the whole crazy scientist thing down and I wanted to be your buddy."
"W-well yeah, but you should know that once that cravat goes on s-so does the permeant look of being unimpressed and annoyed."
The couple stood arguing while Chara stood in front of them holding her camera patiently. She had recently become a fan of the anime, thanks to Undyne, so the three of them were heading to a convention near by. She was dressed as her favorite character, Mikasa. She giggled slightly at the sight in front of her.
Papyrus took a step closer to Undyne, squinting at her. "Wait a second, is that actual oil in your hair?" He grabbed the back of her pony tail and pulled her a bit closer to him.
The fishwoman's grin widened to answer his question. He pulled his hand out of her hair quickly, "That's disgusting." With his other hand he pulled out a cloth hankerchief and wiped his bones down.
Undyne laughed, "Aw! See! Y-you're already getting into character!"
Papyrus couldn't help and smile at comment. "Fine, but I'm not kneeling."
Quickly the two got into position, each saluting, standing straight. After Papyrus collected himself, he glanced over at Undyne with a disgusted face. His somber eyes met her smiling yellow ones.
Chara snapped the picture.
Not even a second later, Papyrus started laughing, "Undyne, I just gotta say you are such a cute Hanje."
Undyne blushed, "Sh-shut up Clean Freak. Chara, did you get the picture?"
A/N: This was one of my favorites to draw, thanks for the suggestion iiDione! Well I hoped you liked it, I know if you don't watch Attack on Titan you will not get a lot of what's going on but I still hope you like the drawing at least, idk but thank you guys for reading and let me know what you think!