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hello love,

hello, y/n.
if you're reading this,
if you're watching me,
i hope you're happy.

im a mess,
because of you.
i feel alone,
because of you.
i feel like breaking down,
because of you.
i want to give up.
maybe i want to see you again.
i cant sleep anymore.
i cant focus on my work.
i cant talk to my friends.
i cant go outside.
because of you.

the mere thought of you,
my legs tremble.
my eyes widen.
my lips quiver,
and my hands clench.

i keep missing you.
and i hate it.
i hate you, l/n y/n.
you made my life worse.

- hoseok

goodbye love | jung hoseok x reader | sequel to "dear happy."Where stories live. Discover now