You Are His Padawan #2

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Suddenly siren rang through the base. Again. This means that he should go because he is squadron leader; he can't train you.

"Again? This is 3rd time in this week and it's still Tuesday!" He said dramatically. "Sorry gotta go. I'll finish this later. Stay tight in case the stormtroopers comes to attack here."  You nodded. If they do, this will be the first fight for you. "I will. May the force be with you. And Wedge." You said. "Thanks you too." He replied and started walking to the port.

You started to walk to your position where they assigned, sulking. You didn't like him leaving you for other missions or duties. You feel like he thinks little about your training, and about you. You felt a tear trickling down your cheek. You quickly wiped it so no one sees it.


"Yes master." You replied knowing it is Luke, confused why he is still here."Can you come? You can fly a fighter, right?" He asked. Is he trying to make you come with him? "No problem master." Great. My voice cracked. "Y/N? Are you crying? Are you ok? Are you hurt?" You could sense worry in his voice. You felt stupid, and childish. You were crying over your own ego when he really cares about you.

"Sorry. I'm okay. Let's go. Needs another pilot?" You talked casually to enlighten the mood. But his face turned into a guilty look. "I am the reason. Right? I'm sorry. I wasn't good enough to notice your feelings, I think. I'm sorry." He whispered those words while giving you a tight hug. "M-Master? I think we shouldn't be hugging in public. People can think of us in a wrong way... and we are in a fight! Master?" You asked shocked from his action. He usually wasn't the one that shows his feeling this clear. "You're right. Common girl. Let's go to kick of those TIEs from our base." Luke chirped happily from thought of driving X Wing. Another fact. His mood changes really fast. 'I think he has spent too much time with General Solo.' You thought. He is a moody person too. "Yeah. I'll win this time. I'm gonna shoot more TIEs than you do." You challenged him knowing this will help to forget the tears you had earlier. "Yeah? You wish. Keep your dream in your brain my young Padawan!!" He started to run. You felt happy. He really does care about you. That was only thing you cared about, and had meaning about.


"Fix Deflector Shield Generator! It's broken" Han yelled. "Yes sir!" I replied instantly and ran toward it. Great. It looks like it had been shoot. I walked to see if other ones are broken too. It doesn't look like it's broken. I sighed in relief. I grabbed his toolbox and got back to work.

After 30 minutes of trying, you finished fixing generator. " Can you activate third Shield Generator please? I think I'm done fixing it" You said. "In count of three! One two three go!" You saw a green light shines. It's working! "Done!" You screamed as you ran into cockpit. When you entered, you saw your boss smiling. "Nice job!" You smiled. It was rare to hear him praising, so you felt really proud.

Author Note
God, Han's sucked. I'm sorry. It wasn't worth waiting. Right? Well, working on another Star Wars story:p gotta learn how to type fast.

19 March 2017

Han 2 April 2017

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