Chapter 14

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America's POV

     It's been three weeks since I found out I was pregnant and now I'm almos 2 months pregnant and barely showing, but there's one problem. Maxon doesn't know. I was planning on telling him last month but he or well I just never had the guts to do it. This month he left for a business trip with his father right after the king returned to go on a trip to Italy to gain a peace treaty so I didn't tell him then and this week he's been really busy I really don't see him much to tell him I'm carrying his baby. In fact we've barely seen each other these past weeks. I told Marlee. She said she's happy for me and she's helped me pick out names and I think she told carter because she said he like one of the names she picked out.

      I'm think I'm kinda avoiding Maxon. I sometimes avoid talking to him or looking straight into his eyes, and I try not to eat a lot despite all my cravings because I don't want him to find out that way. I've also been sleeping in another room. He used to come into my room but I keep pushing him away from me.

     Our wedding is in one week. That's what I've been working on, with the queen of course. We've been planning from what dress I'm gonna wear to the fancy silverware for the reception. When queen Amberly started helping me she almost gave me a heartattack with all her ideas, she wanted a very big wedding but with lots and lots of compromising it's going to be a very nice wedding.

"Lady America, prince Maxon requested your presence in the princes bedroom immediately." A maid said walking out. Oh boy. I head into the hallway until I reach Maxon's room. When I open it Maxon stands at the door with arms crossed.

"Where have you been. I haven't seen you in days, days america. Why are you pushing me away? Do you have something to tell me." He asks practically yelling.   

"No ive just been tired is all." I lie. He scoffs.

You push me away when I try to be with you, you avoid me kissing you, and you avoid all eye contact with me like your doing now, look at me." He yells. 

"I'm sorry okay I'm fine I'm just stressed about the wedding and becoming queen I'm just overwhelmed just give me time to think." I yell.

"Think about what America this," he says and he throws the pregnancy test that shows positive on the counter.

"Where did you get that." I ask in horror, oh god.

"It's amazing what you can find while looking for a towel in the cabnit America." He was looking around the room. He becomes quiet for a moment.

"When were you going to tell me. You kept pushing me away. Did you not think I would care, that I would want this baby, our baby?" He asks quietly.

"I just needed time to get my thoughts together and." I start but he interrupts me,

"Get your thoughts together, really America, this isn't just about you this is our baby America, not just yours it's mine too which means I have a right to know if your pregnant. I don't care if you need to think or whatever the hell it is you need to know I have just as much of a right as you and that I should've been the first one you've told, not Marlee, not carter, me the father." He yells. I start crying another thing preganancy does to you and he just stands in the room with his hands on his hips still mad, no furious.

We stay like that for a while until he leaves his room and I bawl my heart out. He was right I was an idiot I should've told him the second I took that test, and it is all my fault. He doesn't come back and I go to the princess room and cry myself to sleep, when my maids try to prep me for dinner I tell them I'm skipping dinner tonight and I'm not hungry and I tell them to not even bother bringing food up to me. I spend the rest of my night sleeping in an uncomfortable dress and sleeping in my tears.


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