Say something

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I saw her today.   I saw him today.
It seems like it     I wonder if he
has been forever.  still cares.
She looks better    I couldn't stop
than before.         looking at him.
I asked her        I asked him about
how she was    his new girlfriend.
I'd pick her    He's really happy
over any girl        with his new
I'm with.                    Girlfriend.
I can't even look.     He couldn't
at her without     even look at me.
I told her I          He didn't mean it.
missed her.
I meant it.         He doesn't mean it.
I love her.         He loves his new
I held her for     He gave me a
the last time.      friendly hug.
I went home       I went home and
and cried.            cried.

I lost her...           I lost him...

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