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"Bye Chris!" Yara kissed both Chai and East on the noses, then standing up to open the door. "Be good, you two."

"Be back here by eleven, pup!" Her brother's voice came from the kitchen, always the protective sibling.

"Yeah, dad." She called back. She shook her head as she turned the keys in the keyhole, locking the apartment up. Nevertheless, she still loved being her brother's little pup.

As she stepped out of the lift, into the street, she took in a deep breath. She let out a sigh of content, various familiar smells wafting into her nose. Hot dogs, trees, bread, pizza.

Ah, the sweet American morning air. Oh, how she'd missed it.

She strolled down the street, hands in her hoodie's pockets. Today, she had decided to stock up on her art supplies—seeing as there was literally close to none in the shared apartment—from Blick Art. It was not too far from where she lived, just a few blocks down. 

Maybe get a colour pencil set and sketchbook, or something. She could always trust Blick Art to have what she needed. 

Stepping inside the big outlet, she immediately felt a warm, cozy temperature settle over her. Oh, let's not forget the mountains of art supplies. She smiled to herself, already feeling at home. Walking down rows of shelves, a blissful smile upon her face, she genuinely looked like a kid in a candy store.

She picked up an A2 sketch book, a 36-piece colour pencil set, acrylic paint and paintbrushes. But scanning through the shelves, she could still see so many tempting stuff that she could have picked up. Sighing, she reminded herself that she had a budget. Oh well, she still had an easel to buy.

She turned around to go to the easel section, basket in hand—a hard shoulder bumped into her. She froze at the impact, but her hands released in shock. And thus, some of her things came to be on the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" The person who bumped into her immediately bent down to pick them up, placing them back into the basket. 

"No worries, it's fine." She smiled as the boy returned the basket to her. As the boy smiled back sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck, she noticed that he looked a bit flustered. He was even panting.

"Hey, are you alright? You look like you're in trouble, or something." She tilted her head in amusement.

"Oh, just... getting chased? I think?" He looked back over his shoulder. 

Coast clear, he thought.

Yep, definitely in trouble. Yara furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Thought so too—I mean like, you didn't seem like you were here because you were being artsy-fartsy." But at that phrase, she face-palmed. "Oh, boy. That came out wron—"

"No, it's cool." The boy grinned, teeth showing. "I totally understand that reference." 

"By the way, that kinda sounds like—"

"Captain America!" They both blurted it out, eyes shining. 

"Are we soul buddies, or what?" The boy chuckled, running a hand through his ebony hair. He seemed more at ease, now that they were conversing together.

"I think we are!" Yara grinned and raised her hand for a high-five. "And by the way, that was a sorta-pun, y'know? Like we referenced to how much Captain America gets references."

"Ew." The boy pretended mock disgust at Yara, swatting a hand at Yara. "No, that was lame."

Yara rolled her eyes, but stuck out a tongue back at him anyway. Looking at him again, she realised how they even got talking in the first place. 

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