fifteen - glitter and kisses

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"So, what are we doing for New Year's?" Lucca asked, munching on an apple.

We were currently both in our home office. Tapping my feet to the beat, I slowly took off my headphones. My sweater was soft, cream-colored and extremely soft because I still hadn't figured out the heating in this apartment.

We were a few days after Christmas, and past all the festivities that came with it.

I still had in mind Lucca's present, which consisted of a box that contained a polaroid camera, concert tickets to some indie band I hardly knew, five pairs of really warm socks, a new eyeshadow palette that was surprisingly tasteful and a small, blue box that held small diamond earrings. I had politely thanked him, given him a peck on the cheek since we'd opened the gifts at the Edwards'.

Inwardly I was screaming, because everything single thing he'd given me had been thought out and carefully planned. I loved that he'd gone the extra mile and hadn't given me a purse and some heels or something.

Lucca's present consisted of a book entitled 'Flying without Fear', a steak spice kit as well as expensive pencils. Oh, and a drone. I didn't know what to get him, but he seemed surprised, in a good way...?

Speaking of the devil, he had just come back from a run and was sporting a blue skintight shirt that clung to his torso, and shorts with skintight, black leggings.

He was also still pouting from the fact that I laughed hysterically for two minutes straight when I looked at him and was trying to divert the conversation away from it.

"Camellia." He waved his hands in front of me, trying to get my attention. Sweat curled his locks, more so than usual, and the corners of his lips turned up as I scrunched my nose at him.

"Stay on your side of the room. You reek."

"Stay on your side, you reek," he mimicked, still looking sullen.

"What were you saying?" I smiled despite myself at the man towering over me. He still looked like someone took away his cereal.

"I said, what are we doing for the New Years? Any ideas?"

"I don't know. Oh no. I do know. I want to get drunk."

He raised his eyebrows, surprised.

"I wasn't always like this, you know that. I used to be a wild child, right, nerd?"

He blushed right then and there, and not the cute one he usually sported but a bright redness that spread all over his face. That had me burst out of laughter again.

"I-I'm not a nerd!" He spluttered angrily.

"Oh, but you are. But I like it. It's cute."

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again when he realized he didn't have anything to counter that.

I was actually serious about that one and tried to hide my growing grin.

"You had a secret stash of DC Comics under your bed, which by the way will never reach Marvel's ankles, so don't-"

"You looked under my bed?" I cried out in horror.

Lucca shifted on his feet, visibly gloating at my distress.

"That's not the only place I've been," he drawled out sexily, wiggling his eyebrows.

Heat rushed to my cheeks when the words registered, and I closed my eyes briefly, pretty grossed out.

"Don't do that."

"I must say, the pink black polka dot number was surprising but by far my favorite back then."

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