Braces, a One Direction FanFiction

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A/N: Kudos to you dear thea (@thedreamer21) for making the lovely story cover. Thank you, it means kind of a lot. Thanks :' )

He flashed her a small smile and she replied with her own bright smile, upper teeth showing a pair of light blue braces.

That got him grinning, showing her his own pair of braces, only instead of light blue they were white and clear and not really that visible from afar.

Her left shoulder hunched inward and the tips of her mouth quirked upward and she looked as though she was about to laugh but she didn't. Instead choosing to return to her job, quietly handing the customers their orders and taking them.

His grin grew wider as he tried to get a reaction from her; preferably a laughing one.

So trial number one.

Grabbing a spoon he tossed it in the air and kept catching and tossing it up and down from his hand to the air. It didn't take long for him to fail to catch it and for it to fall back down via gravity to an older business woman's coffee cup and for it to fall all over the poor waitress.

She looked more irritated than funny.

Not one to be discouraged, he just shrugged his shoulders as she sent him a look that read: What the hell?

Finishing his hot chocolate and wiping the remnants using his jacket sleeve, he gets up and walks over to her, offering his handkerchief.

They both walk over to a corner of the diner.

"Are you alright uhh.." he takes a quick glance at her small blue colored nametag.

"Patricia." she answers back.

This confuses him.

"Your nametag says Wendy." he corrects.

"And Wendy wants a date with her boyfriend and I need some extra cash. Our boss doesn't care as long as we get the job done." she replies briskly, furiously rubbing the handkerchief against the cheap durable long blue skirt's lower area where the coffee had spilled on the end edges making it look almost like décor.

But it wasn't and the coffee was black which made it even worse.

He couldn't help but let out a laugh before he stopped it with a hand clamped over his mouth and Patricia looking up at him from her hunched over skirt position.

"Don't kid yourself, you're the one who got me into this mess." she sounds serious but her eyes -- a pretty simple hazel --- which seem to have dancing butterflies and shining sparkles in them and he's a 100% sure that she means that exact opposite of how she sounds.

He keeps on smiling and she keeps on wiping the stain away, failing, as anyone would when in a predicament like this one.

It doesn't take long for him to start up laughing again and she doesn't stop him, she just looks at him with those hazel eyes and light blue braces showing as she shakes her head and her face delves itself to a smile.

"So how long 'til your shift's over?" he asks after a good minute of laughing out of no absolute and apparent reason.

"No." she has her hand in his hand now, handkerchief tightly in between, eyes shifted down to her skirt, he's looking at her and he's absolutely sure that he's never seen anything quite more prettier. She's wearing no make up and he prefers it that way, small traces of pimples are on her cheeks but other than that her skin is fair and her nose has some lines which clearly show glasses marks which lie in the pocket of the apron tied around her middle. Small wisps of red hair fall on her face and he wants nothing more but to keep them away from her eyes.

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