Ma'm Dentist

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Curly haired, green eyed and a tilted head asked in shocking wonder, "Braces can stick together?"

"Damn." Spike haired, tattoed and tanned skin whistled with a grin, "Way to go, Nialler!"

"I didn't think  . . .  Isn't that unhygienic or something?" Liam asked himself as he kept muttering under his breath.

Louis heard Liam and patted him on the back, "Relax Payne, that over there --" he says pointing over to Niall and Patricia - Wendy, Wendy - Patricia or both or whatever, and their stuck together braces -- " .. is obviously not your problem but theirs."

Louis lets go of his arm and walks up to Niall who's looking more calm than worried as Wendy Patricia, Patricia Wendy, Louis really needed to get this whole name thing straightened out, tried to push herself off of him or rather, unstick their braces by pushing their bodies away.

"Oh my." Siobhan says a hand over her mouth as she comes over.

"Wow," Charlotte says appreciatively, "you two must've really done it, huh?" She throws a wink at the two as she turns around and goes back to work.

Both Niall and Wendy Patricia start turning red at Charlotte's comment and the fact that they were still stuck didn't help either.

"Oh Tuesday, why aren't you good to little Wen Pat, huh?" a man in a greasy, food covered aprom says walking over to the two stucked brace wearers.

"Niie, Hakkks Mooum, cuul." Wendy Patricia says or rather, tries to say but then failed to get anyone but the man to understand. 

Niall winces a little bit when she tries to get her message across because it's not only her mouth moving, but his too.

"Sureui." Wendy says finally, this one directed to Niall.

Niall just tries to smile at her which then makes the whole being stuck together thing hurt even more so he lets his mouth drop.

"Okay," the man says inspecting the scene of the "crime", oh how he loved those late night crime drama shows, the lips weren't touching, only their braces and it seemed to hurt. What was that his employee was trying to say? Oh right, Nigel, his hated first name, you have to go get my mum, the dentist, Janet Milligan, call her. Maybe I should, Nigel thinks as he goes on daydreaming.

Until of course, a tap on his shoulder takes him back to real life.

"Uh, sir, what'd Patricia say?" a boy Nigel recognized as Liam Payne of One Direction ask him.

"Oh, she wanted me to go call her mum, the dentist down at Elmer Street, fancy building, color green, 5th floor, room 303, but you guys can find your way over there, I'll just call ahead. Good luck." Nigel says as he throws a huge grin over to the four guys and stuck brace wearers.

"What?" Zayn asks in confusion at the face paced events.

"It's only like, 8 am, and Elmer Street is just like 5 blocks away right Pat?" Harry says smiling, oozing out kindness and being welcoming to the girl.

Pat as Harry now calls her, thank goodness it's not Wen, she thinks, nods her head only to stop abruptly as her teeth (and, subsequetly, Niall's) began to hurt. Even more.

Liam winces a little bit in sympathy for his friend, "Well, we better hurry before someone alerts the press or something and words gets out of .. umm.. Niall's situation."

Niall's eyes widen in horror. The press. The Agency. Simon. I did not think of that, he panics mentally. The corner of Louis' eyes catch Niall's panicked look and goes over to him, "You're gonna be fine Nialler."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2012 ⏰

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