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~~~Sky's POV~~~

I quickly caught up to Ty. He was already cracking eggs and had bacon sizzling on a frying pan. The smell of the food made my stomach growl loudly, giving me away.

"Damn it, stomach!" I yelled down at my stomach as Ty just laughed, his ears twitching in amusement. I quickly ran up to him and hugged him, surprising Ty.

"Aww, Kitty, what you makin?" I said, grinning. Ty glared at me.

"I'm not some damn, helpless, little cat, Adam! If you keep calling me Kitty I will have to kill you," Ty snapped, annoyed at me. My cheeks bubbled, holding in my laugh that was threatening to explode out my mouth. Ty wriggled, once again, out of my death grip and continued making food. I then started to hysterically laugh.

"F you, Adam, your an ass," Ty stated, a frown on his face and his kitty ears folded back on his head in anger.

"I don't care, I already knew this," I laughed out, rubbing away fake tears. Ty stood there for a second before turning around to face me.

"Ugh, there is no way I can be mad at you or that damn laugh," Ty sighed and kissed my cheek, making me stop laughing and smile.

"Love you, Kitty," I cooed. Ty huffed in defeat.

"Love you too..." He said softly. He returned back to the stove. I kept smiling and poking him, asking if it was done yet until he smacked my arm lightly.

"Gosh, Adam you are like a little kid!" He hissed out but with a smile on his face. He got out two plates and filled them with food.

"Here Sky, now stop bugging me!" He laughed and handed me a plate. He patted my brown, curly hair.

"Now go sit down, little Sky," Ty said with a huge smirk on his face, his ears sticking straight up. I reached a hand towards one ear but Ty sidestepped away from my outstretched hand. I stuck out my bottom lip at him, putting on my best puppy dog eyes.

"No, your not allowed to touch them until we find an explanation," Ty said, emphasizing the them. I just giggled and bounced over to the table, nearly spilling half my plate on the floor.

"SKY!" Ty whined, starring wide-eyed at the mess. I looked at the floor then Ty, putting on an innocent face.

"Bwut Twy, I cawn't cweal," I said in a baby voice. I know what you are thinking. I'm an ass and I know it. I smiled at Ty lightly before starting to nibble on my bacon, pretty much the only thing still on my plate.

"Ugh, I freaking hate you, Adam!" Ty yelled out at me from the cleaning closet.

"I love you toooooo!" I sang, stretching out the last part. Ty came back with a vacuum and cleaned up all the bits of scrambled egg. Ty disappeared for a second before returning with his own food. He stomped over to the seat in front of me and sat down with a grunt. I 'sneakily' stole a piece of egg off his plate. He glared at me with a smile dancing on his face.

"Come on, you know you love me!" I said in a deep voice. Ty huffed with laughter and stole a piece of bacon off my plate, shoving it in his mouth.

"Yep, your lucky I love you," He stated around his mouthful of bacon.

~~~Magical Timeskip~~~

I washed off my plate and put it in the dishwasher, I was too lazy to hand wash it right now. Ty was already taking a shower. I skipped up the stairs and into our room. I stepped into the door to find Ty standing there with a towel around his waist and dripping wet hair. A light blush flowed up to my cheeks and I quietly stepped out. I ran to the bathroom and closed the door.

"Might as well take a shower..." I mumbled to myself. A knock on the door interrupted my short-lived thoughts.

"What?!" I asked loudly through the shut door, my arms halfway through my sleeves. Ty walked in and sighed lightly. He was wearing his usual white v-neck with black jeans, his earphones, and his purple sneakers. His crimson eyes were filled with stress.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked again this time hugging him. He sighed again, this time louder.

"Ugh, these ears are so annoying! They need to go away! They are stressing me out!" He hissed, the ears folding back.

"Shh, shh it's okay... we'll fix it, babe, don't worry." I stated quietly in his ear. Ty nodded against my chest, but clearly still stressed. I backed up a tiny bit and put my arms back through my sleeves. I then slowly reached out towards Ty's right cat ear. He started to purr and this time, he didn't back away. He smiled at me while purring and nuzzled into my neck. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing if these ears stay...

~TimeSkip of Lazyness~

We exited the house, both fully dressed. Ty had managed to hide the ears by wearing a fedora I had lying around. We raced, hand in hand, over to Seto's potion shop. Once we got there, we burst through the doors, breathing heavily and loudly.

"S-Seto we h-have a pr-problem," I wheezed out. Ty nodded his head, his eyes locked on Seto. Seto turned around and stared quizzingly at us.

"Yes, what do you need?" He asked quietly, his quiet voice filled with light concern.

"Ty, show him 'them'," I panted, still short of breath. Ty took of the fedora, his ears sticking back up, almost in relief. Ty let out a small sigh in comfort. I looked over to Seto and saw his brown eyes widen in shock.

"W-what...?" Seto asked in disbelief. His eyes were glued to Ty's new set of ears. Ty nodded his head, his ears twitching with each head nod.

"Can you help, they just randomly appeared today!" Ty asked in desperation. Seto looked back at the ears at then to Ty's eyes.

"Hold on guys," Seto said quickly and flashed away in a puff of purple smoke. I rolled my eyes a little. So clèche, Seto... He returned a moment later, this time holding onto Brice's wrist. Brice looked over to Ty, his butter colored eyes furrowing for a second in confusion until the landed on the ears. Brice's mouth popped open a bit. Then he snickered a bit.

"Hehe your a little pussy cat!" He laughed in his light accent. Seto swatted his arm while Ty glared at him.

"We're here to help him, Brice, don't poke fun at the poor fellow!" Seto hissed extremely quiet to Brice. Ty's ears twitched towards their quiet conversation. I cleared my throat after the two had been bickering for a couple minutes.

"Ah-hem, we are still here..." I said with a tiny smile on my face and an arm rested on Ty's hip.

"We'll help," Seto and Brice said at the same time.

"YAY!" Ty yelled, fist-pumping the air. I laughed a little. And they thought I was childish.

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