♥Cause Nothing's Better Than Some Smut To Start Your Saturday Morning♥

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John And Keith Make A Porno
Rated: E
Pairing: Moonwistle/Jeith

One painfully slow morning at the tax office, Keith sent John a stream of dirty texts that sent him nearly insane. He begged Keith for mercy so he could get through the work day alive, and Keith responded with a rather suggestive picture that made John break out into a sweat.

He kept texting Keith with his phone under his desk, saying how much he wanted him. John ended up leaving the office a few minutes early. The woman at the desk beside him was the only one who noticed. He flashed her an apologetic smile that begged for understanding. You know how life gets sometimes!

It might have just been him, but John swore the bus was taking fucking ages to go through it’s route. He ended up getting off a stop early and walking home the rest of the way, his brain veering straight for the gutter. He fumbled with his keys and let himself in. Keith had been waiting for him, and had him pushed up against the door in an instant, the cool outside air still on John’s coat.

They barely made it upstairs into John’s room, since John was ready to shag him in the front hallway. Keith had already set up the camera and tripod and adjusted the lighting and everything. Keith hit record and they had at each other in a pure moment of passion. Keith pulled off John’s jacket, then pushed him back onto the bed. He fumbled with untying John’s double-knotted bootlaces and they laughed, still utterly wound up. Keith climbed onto John’s lap and straddled him, arranging themselves to be filmed from the side. Keith calmed himself down enough to languidly kiss John and untie his tie, slowly pulling it off from around his neck.

“God, you look so good,” Keith moaned into John’s mouth as he unbuttoned his shirt tantalizingly slow. “You’re, like, my sexy secretary.”

“Fuck off,” John laughed, pulling away from the kiss to slip Keith’s t-shirt up over his head.

“And I’m just the sultry housewife, waiting all day for my husband to come home from work and ravish me,” Keith giggled, and John felt his cheeks go hot. Keith finished opening John’s shirt and slipped it off his shoulders. They both started working at each other’s belts, and once they were fully stripped down, John pinned Keith to the mattress and teased him with his fingers until Keith was squealing just like a sultry housewife would.

After that, John sat up on the bed with his back against the wall, facing the camera. Keith sat on his lap with his back against John’s front, also facing the camera. He fucked himself on John’s cock nice and slow. John used one hand to guide Keith’s hip, and slung the other arm around Keith’s waist and stroked his cock lazily.

John had given Keith a few days on purpose to relax his muscles and let him heal a little, although Keith never complained. He certainly wasn’t complaining now. He fucked himself with shallow little thrusts, making gooey bedroom eyes at the camera, letting his lips part as he moaned softly. “Ah – ah – ah – oh god…”

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