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I wrote this yesterday and forgot to put it up so 'ere you are :3

"Today lads we become men. Can you believe we're finally college students?" Announced a curly haired man from his spot between blonde and another brunette."Would you quit announcing it as if it were some God forsaken right of passage!" Growled the blonde next to him rubbing his temples in an aggravated fashion.

"Someone's a bit cranky this mornin' s'matter Auntie Flo payin' a visit again?" Teased a short brunette on the blonde's right side. "Sod off, ya buncha fuckers." The blonde bit back becoming annoyed at the two men."Oo usin' your mother tongue are we?" The shorter brunette continued to tease. The blonde man put up his fingers giving the two a sort of backwards peace sign a taboo gesture in their homeland.

"We love you too, darling!" The tall boy sung sweetly to infuriate the blonde."Think of all the birds 'round 'ere to shag Dip." The youngest said with a gleam in his brown eyes."Yeah you'll never get bored they come in all sizes." Added the tall man."Alright I'll ease up a bit but I still 'ate this place." Spoke the blonde shrugging off the shorter brunette.

"Course you do we all would much rather be anywhere but 'ere." Replied the youngest thoughtfully."Speak for yourself I love it 'ere!" Blurted out the tall brunette."With the exception of Towser over there, I myself would much rather be shaggin' some gorgeous blonde in the local theatre but instead 'm 'ere hittin' the books." Spoke the shorter brunette getting a bit dazed as he went on.

"C'mon we're gonna be late!" Hollered the tallest rushing down the courtyard's sidewalk towards the Literature building."Good!" Yelled the blonde behind him. The youngest lent over the the blonde. "I think Towser's got a knowledge fetish." He said a bit loudly. "Yeah, the more complicated the more randy the ruddy bastard gets!" The blonde added loud enough for the tall brunette to hear."I heard that!" The tall brunette growled back at them.

All three men were rushing now to make it on time. The blonde was fastest though the shortest, next to him was the tallest, laging behind was the other brunette completely zoned out still a bit in sleep mode. He lost the two around the corner as soon as he rounded the corner he was thrown back landing on his arse. He was about to give this flatfoot a piece of his mind. He looked up from his spot on the ground.

The man in front of him had dark hair maybe black it was hard for him to tell cause the stranger had his back to the sun. The light made him glow almost. He felt him heart begin to race as he waited patiently for this guy to acknowledge his presence. All at once he slowly opened him eyes peering down at the wide eyed boy. He had the most piercing blue eyes you've ever seen.

He shook it off a guy like this would be no good but when he spoke Keith knew he was a goner. His voice was low making him shiver to his core. When he came out of his thoughts the man was closer now holding out his hand asking Keith if he needed help to stand. He nodded and took it in a firm grip feeling a jolt of electricity in his finger tips. He blushed and the man laughed causes the boy's wall to internally collapse. He knew right then he wanted this man and if all worked out by the end of the week he'd have him eating out of his hand...

"Oh sorry wasn't watchin' me steps." The stranger spoke. "S'alright." Muttered the younger man a bit flustered. "Are you new too?" The tall brunette asked making his way towards the two with the blonde in tow. "No I've been 'round." Replied stranger. "Really so you're a fourth year?" Asked the blushing shorter brunette. "No I'm--" Spoke the stranger only to be cut off by the barrage of students now pouring into the classroom.

"Welcome class I'm yer Professor of Literature. I warn you now I 'ave studied it for decades and am well aware if you 'ave read the story or you are bullshittin', now let's begin." He added. "'Oly shit, 'e's our teacher!?" Swore the youngest of the three. "'e looks as if 'e's about our age!" Replied the blonde.
"'e's quite good looking, too." The tallest member professed looking lovestrucked. "Oh god 'e's got that look in 'is eyes." Chuckled the youngest.
"Pete snap out off it the bloke could be married!" The blonde said slapping his friend across the face."Dammit Roger!" Pete swore holding his swollen cheek.

"Come in and sit down! Would you all please introduce yourselves to one another." Asked the teacher before taking his seat upon the large desk in the front of the classroom. "I'm Pete." The tall brunette purred. "'M Keith." Said the short brunette giving the teacher a wide grin. "Roger." The blonde mumbled without lifting his head from the desk. "And of course Miss Lax, welcome to our school, Love. It's a pleasure to meet you all. Since there are only four of you you'll be each paired off and will be reading Frankenstein." John said hopping off his desk to distribute the books.

"I love Frankenstein!" Pete said in a rather suggestive tone. John blantanly brushed off his advances and continued, "Good alright Lax you'll be with Moon." He added pointing to the two he was speaking to."'Ello darling." Keith said pulling his chair up to the blonde girl. Annette smiled before she spoke, "Hello." She replied. Keith blurted out in surprise, "Holy-- Guys,  guys, listen to her, her accent it's beautiful." Then continued to fawn over the blonde girl.

John growled internally at this but spoke calmy, "And Townshend you'll be with Daltrey." He said thenw took his seat back on his desk. "Story of me life." Roger groaned from his desk still not bothering to lift his head off it. Pete pretended to look hurt while punching Roger's arm playfully, "You know you love me!" He added teasingly.

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