Morsures Et Ecchymoses

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~10 weeks later~

It had been quite a while since Enoch and I had kissed, our first kiss that everyone seemed to now about was the one we shared at the tower, but he hadn't kissed me since.

I was better now, and could move around freely. I was sat outside in the warmth of the sun with Fiona as she put together flower crowns for herself and me. After she finished mine, she placed it atop my head and tucked some hair behind my ear.

She smiled warmly at me, and despite me always feeling the cold, I felt a sudden burst of warmth flow through me.


That was never a word I used to say, ever. Under any circumstance. Everything was always just 'cold'. After I healed from the arrow stab (which I found out that monkey-lady had shot me with), my peculiarity came back until once again I could freeze as I please.

I sighed and smiled in thanks at Fiona, but her eyes were elsewhere.  I followed her gaze over to a little clay man, running over to us across the grass. He stopped just short of my hand, which was placed on the grass to keep me upright.

"Hello again. I haven't seen you in a while." I remarked, patting his head with my index finger. He nuzzled into my arm and hugged my fingers, to which I giggled at. Fiona tapped my shoulder, and upon looking up, I noticed him.

Enoch was standing a few feet away from me, hands behind his back, a small smile on his face.

I had never seen him so... handsome.

His hair was neatly combed back, his eyes were bright, his smile was toothy and his clothes were... clean.

I gasped in shock and smiled at him happily, Fiona nudging my arm to get me to stand up.

"Long time no see." He grinned wider, approaching me slowly.

"Aw, miss me, Snowflake?" He said, his face full of... joy. It was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. The children of the house had gathered around and were watching with anticipation.

"Ever the tease, Mr O'Connor." He chuckled lightly and took my hand, the other coming away from behind his back and producing the most beautiful snowdrops I had ever seen. I gasped and took them, my smile wide enough to split me cheeks. My eyes teared up and he seemed very proud of himself as I grabbed his collar and smashed my lips against his, a surprised yelp coming from him.

I dropped the flowers and jumped into his arms, wrapping my arms and legs around him as his hands cupped my thighs to keep me up. The children applauded, even Miss Peregrine came out to see the commotion and clapped a little, a small smile on her face.

I didn't care that everyone was watching, and I didn't care that I may not be able to actually feel his skin at my fingertips again, but in that one, amazing moment...

I was the happiest I could ever, possibly be.


'Yo peeps, if you want a sequel (which you probably won't but meh) just lemme know in da comments thanks okai bai.'

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