chapter 9

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Kyungsoo arrived at his school a little later than his usual, hurrying through the halls with fear that he might get late for first period (though there's still 15 minutes left before classes start). He walked as fast as he could without drawing too much attention from calm and unworried students around him, because he is the only one who seemed panicky and worried. There is completely nothing to be worried about when there's still a couple of minutes left before classes starts, but Kyungsoo is just too diligent sometimes.

It was Tuesday and the doe-eyed boy finished his homework last night a little later than his normal, so he basically overslept until the morning and wasn't able to have another quick breakfast tea time. He quickly grabbed a bottle of iced tea from the vending machine instead and started going up to the halls to reach his classroom. Kyungsoo laments at how he settles himself now with just bubbleteas or bottled iced teas in the mornings unlike before.

He quickly reached his classroom and opened the door, panting a little. Then shock crept into him as he saw Jongin already sitting in his desk just behind his own seat, eyes closed and head tilted a little low as if he was sleeping lightly.

Jongin didn't always arrive late in the mornings, but he never came to school earlier than Kyungsoo, so the shorter boy was a little shock to see the other already seated behind his desk.

He then approached his seat slowly and quietly to not wake the other up. Though the room has already a bunch of other students, they're not exactly loud and noisy so Jongin managed to fall asleep on his desk. Kyungsoo noticed that both Joonmyun and Minseok aren't around yet, and Sehun always comes a minute just before the teacher arrives. Kyungsoo's pretty sure that Jongin would use that to his advantage to talk and spend time with Kyungsoo since his two seatmates aren't around yet, so the shorter boy did his best to not wake the other up.

But as he was about to sit on his chair, he accidentally kicked his desk a little and the whole table creaked and wobbled, causing Jongin to mutter a slurred tone and furrow his eyebrows, then eventually open his eyes slowly and sleepily.

Kyungsoo wondered why he has such a terrible luck.

"Oh, Kyungie--I mean Kyungsoo," Jongin said as he spotted said person standing in front of his desk. "Good morning!"

Kyungsoo quickly got a hold of himself and flatly said "Good morning too," as he finally sat on his chair, placing his bag and bottle of iced tea on his desk in a calm and rather cool way. He'd rather not wake Jongin up and start feeling the pressure of his very presence again, but he would like to try out his own plan as well.

If Jongin has a list of steps and guidelines about how he would make Kyungsoo forgive him and eventually fall for him, Kyungsoo made a mental note to himself as well about how he should deal with Jongin and the pressures he bring with him. After convincing himself that there is nothing to be disappointed about when Jongin ditched music club to join swimming club with Sehun, Kyungsoo realized that he should stop acting like an intense awkward turtle around Jongin. He can't be the one to feel the pressure always, he can't be the one always fighting off a blush, he can't always be the one feeling teased by the other, and he can't always be the one who palpitates uncontrollably. He should be confident and cool, too. He already managed to be his normal self even with Jongin hanging around with them, so he should also start being like that whenever he talks and interacts with Jongin himself. He decided not to look too affected and weak in front of him anymore.

Jongin twitched one of his eyebrows at the sudden flat tone Kyungsoo just to spoke him as the other sits in front of him. It's not that he wasn't expecting the doe-eyed boy to talk like that; he himself experienced a few arrogant and irritated remarks from the other 2 weeks ago. What he didn't expect was how Kyungsoo replied to his beaming greeting with an uninterested and plain response, as if he suddenly didn't get affected by anything Jongin-related anymore.

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