Chapter 10: I want you for your heart, not your body. u_u

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Welcome to Chapter 10 of Along Came Alec! I hope you all have liked it so far, I sure have. I appreciate all of you dedicated readers. Well, enough babbling. Lets get on with chapter, shall we? c:

Alec's POV.

"Okay, okay. I promise.", I replied ashamed of myself. He had ran away because of me and look what happened. I wanted to say sorry in a way that explained how bad I felt. It was worthless, I would never be able to say anything close to how I felt.

I remained mute as we made our way to the hospital. A smile began to tug on the corners of my mouth as I looked over in the passenger seat. Gavin had fallen asleep and low snores began to get louder with every second. My smile left my face as I continued looking over him.

He looked horrible. His face was a bloody mess and his clothes were covered in dirt. I continued looking down until I go to his feet. What the hell? Where did his shoes go? That filthy bastard must have taken them. We pulled up into the emergency room's parking lot and I put it in park. He woke up slightly, when I slammed my door, but closed his eyes back when I picked him up bridal style.

"Don't hold me like that.", he grunted. "Shhh..", I cooed. "Ugh, don't hold me like a girl. I'm not a girl!", he began to yell. "Gavey, be quiet and quit squirming. We're at the hospital.", I replied sternly."The hospital?", he yelled, eyes flying open. He grunted and held his eye.

His eye was a blue-ish purple color and fairly swollen. I walked into the hospital, still holding Gavin. I looked at the lady at the front desk and she brought out a wheel chair for Gavin. By now, she knew who Gavin and I were by name. I sat him in the wheel chair and his head flew back weakly.

He was so drained, it seemed that it was a challenge to even hold his head up. The lady sat back down at her desk and called the doctor and one of the nurses to come get Gavin and put him in a room. Oh shit. What was I going to tell them? I promised. I've got it. Phew.

"Okay, so. What happened this time, Alec?", she asked, shaking her head in pity. "He, uh..had a..skateboarding accident?", I said, more like asking if it was actually believable. "Skateboarding accident, huh?", she questioned, looking down at the papers. "Uh, yeah.", I said, smiling a bit. "Must of been a pretty back wreck then, eh?", she continued,"What exactly happened?".

Damn it, woman. Can't you keep your questions to yourself?

"By what he told me, he was skateboarding down a flight of stairs and totally fucked up.", I replied annoyed,"Can I please go back now?". "Sure, sure.", she replied, opening the doors.

"Right this way.", she guided me. I walked in seeing a half asleep Gavin in a hospital bed. When I entered the room his eyes widened and his hand reached out for me. "Alec..", he called for me in a whisper. I shivered. It killed me to see him like this, and to know that it was all my doing, didn't help the matter. I walked over to hold his hand and he stared up at me, noticing my guilty expression.

He pulled my hand, making me lean in closer to him. My ear was now an inch away from his lips. "It's not you fault, Ally.", he whispered, making me shiver from the suddenly warm feel from his breath. I guided my lips to his ear and replied,"Don't lie to me, Gavey". He moved his face in front of mine and looked me deep in the eyes. "I would never.", he whispered back, searching my face.

He pulled me closer, guiding me to lay next to him. I did so. After all, it would make him feel better. I laid next to him, holding him in my arms as he snuggled into my chest. "Do you feel better?", I asked looking down at him. This was the best feeling I had ever experienced. The feel of him breathing against my chest and his warmth covering me.

I wouldn't have changed anything, except the circumstances. "I feel perfect.", he replied, wincing in pain. I knew he was lying to me just to make me feel like I have accomplished something and so I wouldn't leave his side. He looked up at me and smiled, his face getting closer. He pecked my lips over and over until we got carried away.


All of this ended when I grabbed a hold of his bum and he cried out in pain. Shocked by the sudden out burst, I fell out of the bed into the cold hospital floor. Grunting, I picked myself up and sat in the near by chair. I was now back to my guilty mood, like before and Gavin took notice. He made his way to the chair and gently sat in my lap, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"What are you doing?", I asked monotonous. "I just love you, Ally.", he purred seductively, biting his bottom lip. I knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to make me feel better by pleasuring me, even if it meant causing himself pain. That wasn't about to happen. He nibbled at my jaw line and I swiftly picked him up and laid him back into his bed. "Stop.", I commanded him, looking at him in the most dead serious way I could.

"But, Ally. I-", I cut him off. "No, I said stop.", I repeated. "I know what you're doing and it's not working. I'm not giving in to you anymore.", I confessed to him. "What did I do?", he questioned. "Please, Gavin. Don't play stupid!", I began to yell. I was fed up with his nonsense. Didn't he know that I didn't just want sex? I didn't care about it. I just wanted to be with him and only him. I wanted to sleep with him and cuddle with him for every night of my entire life.

Just because I wanted to sleep with him, didn't mean I wanted to fuck him. Was this his idea of me? That I was just like every other high school pervert? I finally came up with enough courage to ask these questions. "Do you think that all I want is sex from you?", I asked, a bit louder than I had expected. His eyes met mine and he asked,"Don't you like it when we make love?". I shook my head, trying to control myself.

"Gavin, you're not understanding me. It's not that the sex isn't phenomenal, but that's not all I want to do with you 24/7. I just want to go out with you and have fun. You know? I'm not like all the other guys you've been with. I don't want you just for your body. I want you for your heat, for you.", I pleaded him to understand.

Before he could reply, the doctor came in and asked to speak with Gavin alone. I walked outside and being the curious person I am, smacked my ear to the door the instant that he closed it. "Well, Mr. Roxwell. Why don't you tell me what happened?", the doctor questioned. Oh no. I didn't tell him what excuse that they put on the papers. "Well, I was walking to the subway and I fell down all of those stairs that lead down underground.", he replied.

Damn it, Gavin.

"Oh, really?", the doctor asked. "Yes, sir.", Gavin said. "Well, on your paper work it says that you were in a skateboarding accident. Have any idea why I'm hearing two different stories?", he questioned, confused. "Uh, well. You see.. I was skateboarding down the rail of the stairs and I wiped out, causing me to fall down the stairs.", he laughed nervously. "M-hm.", the doctor replied, scribbling something down.

"Well, what's hurting you?", he asked. "My ribs and my face, obviously.", Gavin replied, aggravated at the stupid question. "Okay. Well, the nurse will be in here in a bit to take you to get your x-rays, but until then please be patient." he said, walking towards the door. He opened the door and looked down at me smiling, I noticed why he was smiling, his crotch was right in my face. I quickly got up and stomped into the room, leaving the doctor in the hallway.

I plopped into my chair and pouted. Stupid, perverted doctors. Ugh! I was dragged out of my ranting when I heard,"Why so far away, love?". There was Gavin, with his bottom lip sticking out, patting the spot next him. I smiled and giggled under my breath, as I made my way to the bed. I sat down next to him and he took his spot on my chest, sighed and closed his eyes.

I closed my eyes. One arm was wrapped around my love and the other playing with his hair. Eventually, he fell asleep. I kissed the top of his head and fell asleep myself. Why couldn't we stay like this forever?

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