Chapter 13

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-end of the project-

"Okay class it's the end of the texting project. I hope you liked your partner.  Please give me the sheet of paper where you wrote about your partner. You can start now writing a letter to your partner. We will give it to him/her. In the end of the lesson it should be finished"

After thinking for awhile lisa finally knew what she should write.

Dear V,

In the past moth I learned a lot about you. I know you are a cold and distant person.

But that's what I like on you. You are different (in a good way).

I hope to meet you someday in person. I would like to know you 'Inn real'.

- LG lalisa :)

it was a short letter but still full of meanings. She really wished to know him in person. Especially because her friends already know who texted them.

Jennie got a girl named Solar. They already met up and get along pretty well.

Jisoo a girl named Nayeon. They are like best friends now.

And Rose got Vernon. Since they already knew each other, they got along well too of course.

But lisa... she was jealous of them. They could made new friends. Or talk with the ones they were already friends with. But she got a rude guy with who it was hard to get along. But she managed it.

At the end of the day the teacher announced "guys! I got the letters from you partner! Please come forward when I call your name." Lisa's name was called the last "lalisa" She came forward and took the letter. When she sat down she wanted to start reading. But when she opened the letter.. it was empty?

She turned the paper several times, but there was standing nothing. She sighed.. 'he is really something' she thought.

She put the letter inside her backpack and puffed her cheeks.

The bell rang signaling them to leave the classroom. They stood up and made their way outside.

"Nayeon wrote sooo sweat words to me!" Jisoo said.  The others agreed telling each other what was standing in the letter. Except for lisa. She stayed quite.

"Lisa what stood in your letter?" Rose asked curious. "Nothing."



"Oh ... sorry"

"It's ok"

It went silent but then jisoo got excited "Oh oh oh maybe it's a secret love letter. Like in all the movies!"

"You watch to much tv" Jennie said rolling her eyes.

They joked around a bit and went home.

At home lisa wanted to do her homework and took out her books. While doing so something fell out. She picked it up and noticed it was the letter from V. She took a closer look. It smells like apple. Suddenly she got curious and searched for a candle and light. She turned the candle on. And holed the paper above it. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was really a hidden message.

She looked at it and there stands 'my name is Kim taehyung'

She gasped when she readed it. Kim Taehyung? Her mate?

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