chapter one-intro

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Plushtrap pov

I was in my bed listening to my music on my phone. The song mangled by NateWantsToBattle was playing. I honestly love that song (A\N i FUCKING love that song btw). Then nightmare came in. I paused the song, took out my earbuds and looked at him. " hey Plushtrap, have time to talk?" he asked. I nodded and he at beside me.(A\N plushtrap's bed was a normal sized bed, just so you know). "So what did you want to talk about?" i asked. "Well i heard a rumor that one of the nightmare animontronics loves me. Can you believe it!"he said looking at me. Oh no. Did he find out that i was the nightmare who loved him? Plz no. "Did you find out who it was?" i asked. "No but the rumor was true. Nightmare chica told me." he said getting up and about to leave. "Ok but i will tell you if i find out anything about this." i told him. "Thanks" he said as he left. I sighed.  Then nightmare chica came in. "So. Did you tell nightmare that you love him?" she asked. I nodded my head 'no'. "Oh plushtrap. I can tell him for you if you want?" she said. "No, its ok. I'll take it slow and maybe tell him sometime later." i said. She smiled and walked away. I looked at the time and it was 7:30. I shut off my phone and plugged it in to charge over night. Then i git under the covers and grabbed the nightmare plushie of ,well, nightmare, and cuddled it. I loved nightmare more than anything. Nightmare chica only knew cause she saw me cuddling the plushie on night. Then i fell asleep.
To be continued....and i FUCKING love this ship. So cute!!!!

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