Chapter four

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Draco p.o.v
When I got home it completely sank in. Harry will never love me. I blew it. I made him hate me for the rest of my life.
So I did what any sane person would do. I got a knife and rope. I got a stool and tied a noose. Then I slit both my wrists put the rope around my neck. Then I kicked the stool from under me. Then every thing turned black.

Harry p.o.v
Mason and I were just sitting on the couch watching the tellie when I heard a knock at the door. I went and opened it and Zabini Is standing at the door.
"What do you want Zabini?" I asked.
"Malfoy is in the hospital. He tried to kill himself and he wants to speak to you." He explained.
I looked at Mason and he said. "You can go Harry."
Zabini and I teleported to St. Mungo's.
Draco is laying on the bed his arms bandaged and a rope burn around his neck.
"Oh my God Malfoy. What did you do?" I asked.
"I- I tried killing myself. There is no point in me living. You don't love me. I hurt you so bad Harry. What is the point?" Malfoy said and began crying.
"Malfoy. Draco. Even if I wanted to be with you. I can't. I'm getting married Draco." I said.
He looked at me and said, "But you don't love me. I hurt you." He said.
"Malfoy. I'm sorry." I said. Then I walked out.
I looked at him through the window and saw that he is staring blankly at his lap.
I sighed and went home.

"So what happened?" Mason asked as I made dinner.
"Malfoy tried killing himself because he hurt me and I don't love him." I said and shook my head.
"Well. I guess he finally sees what he lost." Mason said.
"Yah. But I can't help but feel bad. I mean he tried killing himself for me. What should I do Mason?" I asked.
"Do you want to marry me Harry? I mean if you don't I understand." Mason said. I can tell he feels bad.
"Mason. I want to Marry you. I love you. But what am I going to do about Malfoy?" I said.
"I don't know Harry. I'd want to say forget about him. But you can't. He was the first person you loved and now he says he loves you again. Are you sure you want to marry me?" Mason said taking my shoulders.
"I want to marry you. If I did not I would have said no when you asked. I love you. Do I need to spell it out for you?" I said.
"No you don't. I love you too Harry." Mason said and kissed me. I kissed back as he pushed me against the counter.
The timer went off making us both jump. I smiled at him and set the table.

After we ate and went to our bedroom to get ready for bed Mason pushed me to a wall and said, "now where were we?"
I smiled and lightly kissed him and pulled away. "Ah yes. That was where." He said and kissed me hard.
He pushed me onto the bed and rolled his hips against mine. I moaned and did the same back. He laughed a little and began kissing and biting my neck.

Draco p.o.v
I sighed as I stared at my lap. I wish Blaise did not save me. I mean what is the point? I felt tears fall down and saw them begin to wet the blanket.
The door opened and closed and I felt the weight of the bed shift and arms wrap around me. "It's okay Draco." I heard Pansy say. "You don't need him."
"But I love him. He does not love me."I said and began crying into her shoulder.
"You deserve better than him. Come on Draco there is no need to cry over him." She said.
"Thank you for trying to cheer me up. But it's not working." I said and sobbed some more.
I should have died. I don't deserve to live. If Harry doesn't want me then who would? I should have never broke it off like I did. Or never have broken it off at all and just got the help I needed.

Harry p.o.v
The next day Mason and I ate breakfast and since it's the weekend got more prepared for the wedding. "I can't believe that it's only in three days." Mason said.
"I know. I can't wait." I said smiling at him.
I lightly kissed him and we went to the cake store. "So cake then sizing one more time right?" He asked.
"Yes." I answered.
"I can't wait to see you walk down the isle." Mason said as we walked into the cake store.
"Welcome back gentlemen. Have you made your decision?" The nice lady at the counter asked.
"Yes ma'am we have. We would like the five layered cake alternateing chocolate and vanilla." I replied.
The lady nodded and said, "it should be ready in two days."
"That will be good. Have a nice day ma'am." Mason said.
We then walked out and went to the clothing store. I can't wait! The wedding will be perfect.


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