Chapter one

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Draco p.o.v
I'm currently sitting at the Leaky Cauldron with my best friend Blaise. I found the Daily Profit and on the front is Harry with some boy. And apparently they are going to get married in a month. I threw it across the room. How dare he. He may be my ex but that was not entirely my fault damn it.
"Dude come on. You two are exs. There is no need to be upset." Blaise said.
"But it's not like I really wanted it. And plus, he has only been dating this boy for a month. This is not right!" I yelled drawing attention to myself.
"Draco, I know, but there is nothing you can do." Blaise said. And he is right. There is nothing I can do. I sighed and continued to eat and drink. Blaise doing the same.

Harry p.o.v
I sighed as I cuddled closer to Mason. My boyfriend/fiancee.
"So, Harry, you said you wanted to tell me something?" Mason said.
I groaned and sat up. "Just promise you won't get mad or think any different of me." I said and he said, "don't worry I won't.
"I'm a wizard. You know I can do magic." I said taking out my wand.
"Prove it." He said.
"Wingardium leviosa." I said and levitated a lamp.
"Wow! Are your friend wizards to?" He asked and poked the lamp.
"Yes. Just please don't tell anyone. I promised the Ministry that you won't." I said.
"Don't worry. I won't. I love you Harry." He said and kissed my lips.
"I love you too." I said and kissed him back.
Then the door bell rang. "Oh Hermione and Ron are here." Mason said getting up and letting them in.
"Harry I have not seen you in forever!" Hermione said hugging me.
"It was only two weeks." I said hugging her as Ron and Mason bro hugged.
Then me and Mason switched places. Me bro hugging Ron and Mason getting crushed by Hermione.
"Come on dinner is done." I said and led everyone to the kitchen.
"So Ron and Hermione how have you two been? Did you two buy the house you wanted?" I asked.
Hermione and Ron got married one month after the war.
"Yes. It's so nice." Hermione said.
"So did you tell him?" Hermione whispered to me.
I nodded.
"Great!" Hermione said.
We began eating and Mason said, "What's so great?"
"Harry told you that we are wizards. Now we can tell you about all the cool adventures in Hogwarts." Hermione said as we sat down for dinner.

After dinner and telling Mason about our adventures, Ron and Hermione left as me and Mason went up to our room. A few months ago Mason and I got our house and moved in together.
I got into the shower and a few minutes later Mason joined me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.
"Hey Harry." He said.
"Hey Mason." I said and turned around.
"You are so hot when your naked." He said rubbing his hands up and down my sides.
"You are too." I said placing my hands on his chest.
We then began washing each other up and exchanging kisses. When we finished we decided to not get dressed and just go to bed cuddled next to each other.

The next day Mason and I went to Diagon Alley so I could show him my world. I loved looking at his cute face as I showed him everything.
"Hey Potter." I heard an all too familiar voice say behind me.
I turned to see my ex Malfoy and his friend Zabini.
"What do you want Malfoy?" I said.
He looked at Mason who was standing behind me.
"That your fiancee Potter? Thought you had better taste." Malfoy said.
"I can date who I want Malfoy. Come on Mason." I said taking Mason's hand and walking away from Malfoy.
And I'm quite sure I heard Malfoy say under his breath. " I'll get you back Potter."
But I just kept walking.

Welcome to my new book! This was an idea from neallopez_49. Hope every one loved the first chapter.


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