Chapter 13 | The Question

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Craig's POV:

     I can't believe what happened yesterday, it was like a dream. I'm just glad it wasn't, because Tweek loves me. He truly does love me, and I love him to the moon and back. The only thing left for me to do is ask him out. I think that would be easy enough, but then again the only obstacle is Mama Token and Papa Clyde.

Tweek's POV:

     I was currently telling Token and Clyde what had happened after school yesterday. After I finished, they stayed silent for a good two seconds then got right on my back about it.

     "Oh yeah, that's my boy Tweek!" Clyde said clapping, "You got you a man that can do both!" I didn't fully understand Clyde's statement, but he was happy for me nonetheless.

     "My baby is growing up so fast," Token said wiping away fake tears, "Just don't grow up too fast. I want things between you to be PG-13, no Rated R stuff!"

     I started to blush, "As if I would do anything like that with him! I want to keep it nice and clean with him."

     "That's our boy!" Token exclaimed smiling widely.

     Clyde slid over to me and wrapped an arm around me, "So Tweek, has he mentioned the 'D' yet?" Wiggling his eyebrows, he winked at me. Mortified, I pushed him away blushing madly.

     "GAH! W-Why would h-he say anything l-like that!? Agh!" I said starting to twitch a little.

     Clyde laughed, "Tweek calm down, I was talking about 'D' as in Date. I don't know where your mind was, but it needs a good cleaning if it's that dirty."

     Token hugged me and glared at Clyde, "Don't accuse our baby of being dirty minded like you. He's too precious and innocent for that!"

     I was dead on the inside. Does everyone really see me like this? Innocent? Do they not remember what I've done in fourth grade? I'm anything but innocent, but if it keeps them sane then I'll accept it.

I sighed, "On the topic of dates, he hasn't asked me out on one yet. I can always just ask him on one."

Clyde shook his head at me, "Oh Tweek you have so much to learn, luckily you have me to help you. You wait for them to come to you, you want them to beg for you not the other way around." He said winking at a group of girls passing by, they giggled and walked on.

     Token gripped the bridge of his nose, "Hey Romeo instead of flirting with some girls you should focus on your Juliet, also known as Kevin."

     "Oh no! Do you think he knows? I've already messed up my relationship with him and he doesn't even know me! Curse my confidence and good looks!" Clyde said raising a fist at the ceiling.

     Token sighed and turned to me, "Tweek you can choose to ask Craig out, but it would be more fun to see if he could do it. Plus, it gives me and Clyde the opportunity to give him a hard time." He smiled deviously and rubbed his hands together.

     Oh no, he's gonna do it. Token is bringing out the big guns. Not only is he gonna go full mom on Craig, but Clyde is gonna be the papa bear, and not to mention Uncle Jimmy.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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